Google’s multi-billion dollar search deal with Apple took four months of working ‘every single day’

Kif Leswing for CNBC:

Google pays Apple billions of dollars to be the default search engine in the Safari browser on iPhones and Mac computers.

A deal like that doesn’t come together overnight, and a new interview with Apple’s former general counsel Bruce Sewell reveals just how involved the most senior levels of both companies were hammering out the details.

“The Google negotiation for example, between Apple and Google over search, probably took us four months,” Sewell said in an interview with Columbia University law students posted to YouTube.

MacDailyNews Take: As Apple continues to dominate and amass the users with disposable income and the proven will to spend it, Google will have to pay even more billions to Apple in order to retain access to them. Google is learning the hard way that, no, you cannot make it up in volume.


  1. So Apple’s stated conviction to personal data privacy protection means nothing if you wave enough money in their face. Everyone knows Google’s business model is to sell your IP address, and what you search for, to the advertisers. Search for red rain boots, and you get ads back for red rain boots. Gee. How’d that happen?

  2. Apple gets lots of money from Google for making their search engine the default. It’s very easy for the user to change the default search engine to something else, and Apple still makes the money from Google. What’s the problem?

    1. Google shouldn’t be there as the default in the first place, I buy Apple products because they are best in class and not for Google, Facebook, or Disney. Apple by designing the best and getting out of the way is what made them great, now they want to nag me.

  3. While hypocritically denouncing personal data gathering, Apple takes huge sums to give Google first shot at their users’ personal data.

    Sounds about right. “We don’t harvest your data. We sell the opportunity to harvest your data.”

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