California EPA settles with Apple on hazardous waste claims

“The California Environmental Protection Agency on Tuesday said Apple Inc agreed to pay $450,000 to settle state claims that it had mishandled hazardous electronic waste at facilities in Silicon Valley,” Stephen Nellis reports for Reuters. “Apple also agreed to increase inspections to settle allegations about facilities in Cupertino and Sunnyvale, the Agency’s Department of Toxic Substances Control said.”

“‘This matter involves an oversight in filing paperwork to close one of our recycling facilities as part of our expansion to a larger site,’ Apple spokeswoman Alisha Johnson told Reuters in an emailed statement,” Nellis reports. “‘We’ve worked closely with [the Department of Toxic Substance Control] to ensure that going forward we have the proper permits for our current site. As we do with all our facilities, we followed our stringent set of health and safety standards, which go well beyond legal requirements,’ [Johnson aded.]”

Nellis reports, “State regulators alleged Apple opened and operated an electronic waste shredding facility in Cupertino, its home base, between 2011 and 2012 without informing them.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Liam’s cost just went up $450K.

Dot those i’s and cross those t’s, Apple!

Apple unveils Liam recycling robot that takes apart iPhones – March 21, 2016


    1. Yeah, the “fruit-nut” state is where Apple is domiciled so obviously they like the state, and the fact that the state cares about the environment regardless of political beliefs says something. Idiot!

      1. To regulate or not to regulate: that is the eternal question. Whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous policy-making, or to take arms against a corrupt gubmint, and by opposing, end them. To say we end the thousand corporate shocks that flesh is bare to; ’tis a consummation devoutly to be wish’d.

        1. There is no question.

          The game of life cannot be played without rules and officials. Anyone who has ever raised a child knows that standards must be established and damaging behavior punished.

          Let’s not return to the barbarism and unchecked dictator-like style that is so popularly chanted in your new leader’s rhetoric. If only a fraction of what he uttered in the last year is acted upon, the USA will be set back economically and culturally for at least a generation. Isolationism, sexism, racism, bigotry — all behaviors that the rule of law was forged to moderate — are now renewed by a fear monger who falsely claims that the USA has somehow not performed well in the past 8 years, despite ample evidence to the contrary. Up in the great white north, Canada’s flirtation with conservative rule under Harper delivered stagnation.

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