How to stop Facebook from killing your iPhone’s performance

“If I had to name one App Store app that can negatively affect the performance of your iPhone, it’s Facebook,” Allyson Kazmucha writes for iMore.

“Not only can it eat tremendous amounts of storage, some of the things it does in the background also seem to chew through battery, and make your iPhone run like crap in general,” Kazmucha writes. “It’s an issue countless friends and family members run into over and over again. From freezing issues to out of storage messages to constant battery drain, Facebook almost always seems to be the culprit.”

Kazmucha writes, “So in this very special edition of iOS Help, we’re going to take a look at why Facebook makes your iPhone do strange things as well as what you can do to keep it in check.”

Find out how to stop Facebook from killing your iPhone’s performance here.


    1. Amen Brother!

      I’m about ready to ditch every social meme. For the World Wide Web to have companies with a categorizing name as Social Network, I’ve found it not to be so social!

  1. I have found one good use for FaceBook: to store my Candy Crush Saga & Soda scores and Levels.

    The only reason I keep it is if my iPad takes a nosedive, I have to restore it and lose my place. It took me a year to get to level 521 and that’s a very long way if I had to start over.

    1. Even better, when in Safari you can save it to your Home Screen. I’ve never noticed that function before, but it left a FB icon (looks EXACTLY like the FB app icon) and voila! tap it and instant link to your FB page through Safari.

    1. If only life were that easy trolldude. I have been trying to delete you for a very long time but you keep coming back. Now, get back under your bridge where you belong.

  2. Wow! Using it in safari also gives you back access to your messages without that terrible asshole messages app. Fuck that thing. I just deleted the app to never again be installed, also going to write a one star review offering the suggestion to everyone on the App Store too.

  3. Even better, when in Safari you can save it to your Home Screen. I’ve never seen that function before, but it left a FB icon (looks EXACTLY like the FB app icon) and voila! tap it and instant link to my page thorugh Safari.

  4. What a simple but effective idea. Both the FB and Messenger apps are gone from my phone. One step closer to kicking the crack habit. The last step is to delete the account but I can’t seem to do that – it is a useful means of communications from time to time.

  5. I listen to streaming radio in the mornings. Have to close out of FB to keep the stream going. Took me a while to learn, but FB is absolutely the culprit. So I try to FB first, then close it for the rest of the day. Much better (for those who can’t seem to kick the habit).

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