Apple and wearable computing: it’s the software, stupid

“Apple will not introduce an iWatch or any other wearable device until it offers something that will become as central to everyday experience as the iPod, iPad, iPhone or Mac,” Jonny Evans writes for Computerworld. “Getting this right will demand great software.”

“When they ship, critics will slam them, competitors reject them, some pundits scorn them, and those in the game for a fast buck will ‘benchmark’ them to introduce cheap alternatives,” Evans writes. “However, if Apple gets it right these things will change everything.”

“History will show every wearable device introduced before Apple’s eventual release was nothing other than an abject failure when compared to the market volumes Apple will create,” Evans writes. “I don’t believe Apple will ship anything until it gets the hardware/software combination right.”

Read more in the full article here.


  1. And then, those who failed without Apple to show them how to do it, will jump on their copying machines and churn out cheap copies because they won’t have spent any time making sure the software was right to begin with and Apple will try to take them to court and the court system will slog along while the copiers take 1/2 or more of Apple’s proceeds and pay for their marketing campaigns with it. Sound familiar?

    1. The sensors could be hard to replicate. The software to interpret the data and especially the algorithms that reveal the truth beneath the sensors data could be well nigh impossible to replicate.

      It’s possible there won’t be any copying going on here. I’m not holding my breath, but it’s possible.

  2. Don’t let paranoia ruin your life. Don’t take it personal. It’s just a couple of companies. You don’t work for either. Relax. Enjoy your life. Go fishing. Go out for a cold frosty one. Get laid. Worry about things that are truly important. Get a life.

    1. It’s not about paranoia but the ideals that if you work hard and invent things you should be rewarded, not have your inventions stolen or copied with no recourse.
      I love how people think its okay for people to steal things and just brush it off as nothing important. The whole inventive process and progress is at stake when ideas and products can be stolen with no punishment ( or minimal punishment).
      As Steve Jobs said, “what have you invented”??

      1. Yes, look what happened to Gandhi: he applied this notion and in fact changed the whole world for the better. I think I’ll grant him this one. For many, and perhaps for you more than you realize, an early departure traded for so much good is still a hell of a success.

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