Steve Jobs statue unveiled ahead of installation at Apple’s Cupertino HQ

“Fittingly revealed on his birthday, a bust of Apple cofounder Steve Jobs was unveiled in Belgrade on Monday, with the art piece bound for the company’s headquarters in Cupertino, Calif.,” AppleInsider reports.

“A scaled down model of the final obelisk design was unveiled on Monday by famed sculptor Dragan Radenović, reports Netokracija,” AppleInsider reports. “The work, which was selected in a contest with over 10,000 entries, incorporates a bust of Jobs’ head mounted on a pillar.”

“Sprouting from the sides of the pillar feature are Cyrillic letters and the numbers 1 and 0, representing the binary numeral system,” AppleInsider reports. “According to Radenović, Apple management appreciated the imperfections of the piece over more computer-centric design entries.”

Steve Jobs statue - by Dragan Radenović
Steve Jobs statue – by Dragan Radenović

Read more in the full article here.


  1. Is this a tribute to binary or Steve Jobs?
    Steve wanted to hide the ugly and scary part of a computer as deeply as possible. The only thing Steve wanted the consumer to see was a user friendly UI that felt as natural as turning the page of a book.

  2. I think it perfectly reveals both inner and outer layers that made Steve Jobs who he was. I love the binary numbers and the fonts that he thought were so important to the user experience. I love the rough and gruff exterior too because that describes Steve Jobs too. He was always building and refining. Like everyone he had his flaws and this sculpture doesn’t hide from those. If anything it captures a work in progress. That is a really apt picture of his life.

  3. I’d have preferred something like an Alvar Aalto chair with a black turtleneck and blue jeans draped over it.
    A pair of New Balance tennis shoes and a pair of socks under the chair.
    A pair of steel framed glasses reset on the seat.
    A small plaque reads: “If you sit in this chair, I’ll fire you.”

  4. I think this is insulting to Steve. It reminds me of all the movies were thy use the line “I’m going to kill you and put your head on a stick for all to see” dam shame they couldn’t have picked something better.

  5. What an insult to Steve, Apple and all of us that love and miss him.

    This is a ghoulish horror flick representation and the very last visual I want to see to evoke what Steve and Apple mean to me.

    I can’t find a single redeeming feature here. Its poorly conceived, trying way to hard to be out of the box, poorly executed, the bust doesn’t even look like or flatter Steve one bit.

    A zero and one? Really? Stupid. How sophomoric. If that. This is a colossal mistake and waste of metal. I hope a Apple has the good sense NOT to display it prominently anywhere or re-gift it 🙂

    Better yet, send it back the the “artist” or metal recycling.

    Steve’s face is so iconic that the idea of an overly impressionistic form versus a simple, perfectly executed representative bust was the only appropriate idea, not Bill’s worst terror dream.

    How upset tingly disappointing.

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