Siri, make the screen 10% darker

MacDailyNews reader Dino Moshova writes:

Here is an iOS 7 tip I haven’t seen before.

I knew that you could have Siri show you the settings, like:

• “Show me available Wi-Fi networks”

But, you can also ask Siri to make setting changes for you. For example:

• “Make the screen 10% darker”
• “Turn airplane mode on”
• “Turn off cellular data”

Have you found Siri in iOS 7 to offer you something new that’s useful and/or fun? Let us know below.

MacDailyNews Take: Let Siri turn Personal Hotspot on and off, too, Apple? Pretty please?


  1. Siri would not turn Location Services on or off for me…. Really wish it would. And that it was something in Control Center that we could access. Or that you could customize Control Center a bit. Don’t need Airplane Mode in there personally. Or Calculator. But a few other things might be nice – like Location Services.

  2. It still can’t handle stuttering and “uh’s”. I would use reminders much more if it would just let me speak more naturally (mistakes and all). As it is, I only use her for making calls and text messages, sometimes the occasional sports game time.

    1. Dictation is less forgiving than commands, to be sure. But the range of commands is pulling me back to Siri more and more now in iOS 7.

      But the dictation is still pretty amazing. You can now speak an emoticon and Siri almost always figures it out. Speak a sentence and end it by saying “period smiley face.” And Siri will dutifully add “. :-)” to your text. You can say quote followed by text followed by close quote and Siri with give you the ” followed by the ”

      Because of this headline I asked Sire to set the brightness at half and was told “I can’t do that, but you can change it in Settings: Brightness & Wallpaper Settings”

      Then I said “Turn up my screen brightness” and Siri did, telling me “It’s a little brighter now.”

      Saying just “Brightness” causes Siri to pump it all the way up.

      As for uhs I just used Messages to dictate: “I was uhhh thinking that um we should ah try um to go to the store today period.” And Siri inserted “I was thinking that we should try to go to the store today.”

    1. I’d suggest you lighten up and stop being so parental, only the repeated scolding about being childish reminds me more of my bossy 6yo than any parent I know. Guess we all have our ways of regressing. Is yours as fun as theirs? 😉

      Don’t worry. They’ll turn out OK. Peace.

  3. Siri, nuke the Queer Eye look of my iPhone and make it look like iOS 6.

    And while you are at it, escort Cook and Ive to the door with their belongings in a cardboard box. You can set the shit on the curb.

    1. To paraphrase Mr. Steve Jobs: With all of your castigation and deliberate belittling of people you do not personally know and probably only have read snippets concerning their professional and or personal life, what have you personally done that has changed the world, employed thousands of people, literally effected every industry that you have ventured into and endeared multiple generations to not only technology but also the elegance of design that extends and exceeds anything in the marketplace? Design so elegant that within days copy cats hope that they can cash in on the new found momentum that has erupted in the technical world. So impactful that new sales records were once again broken over a weekend?

      And to quote Mr. Phil Shiller: “Can’t innovate anymore, My ass!”

      Please elucidate clearly and provide verifiable records that support your efforts.

      If you are unable to validate your skill set and/or results, you may want to consider moving back home (if Mummy will have you) and starting all over again.

    2. I asked Siri to explain human cruelty, and I got an interesting response: the book Zero Degrees of Empathy: A new understanding of cruelty and kindness, by Baron-Cohen Simon. I suppose I should read up on the subject, so as to avoid hurting people’s feelings in a wholesale fashion as you seem to have mastered.

  4. If only I could put Siri in my new Ford Fusion. Ford uses Microsoft Sync (stink). What a piece of crap. At least when I give Siri a command she doesn’t reply with “Please say a command” repeatedly no matter how many times I rephrase it. I know off topic, my apologies. All these wonderful Siri tips make me happy and sad. Sigh! 😐

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