The most frustrating change in OS X Mavericks

“Do you frequently use mouse or trackpad actions to open links in new Safari tabs or windows in OS X? If so, you may feel like you’re losing your mind after upgrading to OS X Mavericks,” TekRevue reports. “After exploring the Developer Preview of Apple’s next major version of the OS X operating system, we encountered one of the most frustrating changes: repositioned actions in Safari’s right-click menu.”

“In OS X, users who right-click (or secondary-click if using a trackpad) on a link in Safari are given the choice to open the link in a new window or a new tab,” TekRevue reports. “In Mountain Lion, ‘New Window’ was the first listed choice. In Mavericks, ‘New Tab’ tops the list.”

TekRevue reports, “Thankfully for those who prefer keyboard shortcuts, nothing has changed.”

Read more in the full article here.


  1. Hi folks,

    I’m the author of the article, and I was surprised to find it listed here. I’m my own boss, so there was no editorial pressure 🙂 and I think you’re mistaking the tone for “whining” and “complaining.” My purpose was not to argue that Apple should change it back, or that the change was bad, just that it was different and that those like myself who use Safari frequently will likely need a few days to adjust after upgrading (muscle memory is powerful!). In other words, as the article states, the change can be “frustrating,” not bad or stupid.

    Sorry to get some of you so riled up! 🙂

  2. You know, this is the kind of thing that Apple has to deal with that NO other company ever has to…

    Some people should just be taken out back and spanked. This turd should also have his internet access revoked.

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