Steve Jobs’ revenge

“In late 2012, IDC forecasted that the PC market would see a negative growth of 7.7% in Q1 of 2013,” Tim Bajarin writes for TechPinions. “But in their updated report on PC sales for the last quarter, PC sales were actually down 13.9%, the worst quarterly decline since they began tracking PC shipments.”

All Things D published both the IDC and Gartner numbers for Q1, 2013 and wrote about both companies guidance for PC sales for the rest of the year. Even though the IDC numbers and Gartners numbers are a bit different, they both conclude that demand for PCs is in a real decline and that the likelihood of them recovering is slim,” Bajarin writes. “In this article, Arik Hesseldahl of All Things D states ‘At this time, it has to be said that much of the blame for the damage being done to the PC businesses of all the companies around the world can be laid at Apple’s feet: Sales of the iPad, the world’s leading tablet brand, have a lot to do with the collapse in PC sales.'”

Bajarin writes, “While Jobs’ is no longer with us, I think he knew that this would happen. Perhaps his last major act was to give us the iPad and finally have revenge for the years of toil in the PC market where he always ended up #2, even though he was first with many of the innovations that actually drove PCs to the masses. If he were with us today I suspect he would not shed any tears to see the decline of the PC market and instead revel in the role the iPad played in bringing his PC competitors to their knees.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Of course he knew it would happen. Steve Jobs was an unparalleled visionary.

If I were running Apple, I would milk the Macintosh for all it’s worth — and get busy on the next great thing. — Steve Jobs, Feb. 19, 1996

Related articles:
Microsoft’s stock takes beating after putrid Windows PC shipment reports – April 11, 2013
Apple Macintosh on the rise as Windows PC market plummets – April 11, 2013
Gartner and IDC trumpet wildly incongruous Mac unti sales estimates – April 11, 2013
Gartner: PC Market posts 11.2 percent decline in Q113; Apple Mac sales up 7.4 percent in U.S. – April 10, 2013
IDC: PC shipments post the steepest decline ever in a single quarter, down 13.9% in Q113 – April 10, 2013


        1. Pfffff! “You can get a Motorala Q for $99, it is a very capable machine, it’ll do email, it’ll do music, it’ll do Instant Messaging.”

          As a fan of all things Apple I’m happy this clown is still in charge.

    1. But the iPad is just a big iPhone!

      Parallel construction example courtesy of a managerial co-worker on iPad announcement day.

      Bottom line: Day one of PC paradigm shift.

  1. No USB, FLASH Drive, Floppy, DVD, BluRay, VGA Port, Serial, Extra Buttons that do various thingies that you can do in 4 different places in the OS, oh replaceable Batteries!

    1. Seve Jobs said no to those things. He was a brutal, unfeeling executioner, a devil who stole from us the things we knew, the things we wanted. He was a cruel dictator, telling us what we could or could not do, feel, or think. His paternalism left us frustrated, his idealism bordered on the fanatical. He hurt us on so many levels. And yet the agonies we suffered turned out to be the birthing pains of new and wonderful experiences. And we began to forgive him as we began our new lives, thanks to his transcendent insight—his understanding that we only clung to multiple ports and openness and Adobe Flash because we had been hornswoggled into thinking that they were Good Things when, in fact, they were only commercial artifacts all along, designed to separate us from our money.

        1. There is only one Stan the Man, and that is Stan Lee, the genius of Marvel Comics, who remade America’s conception of itself with his postmodern and subversive brand of literature, reframing Homer’s themes of human champions as puppets of irritable gods into a story more identifiable to those of us alive today: angst-ridden or insouciant champions at the mercy of insensate, contemporary social forces.

          Maybe Stan Lee is another frustrated novelist. Maybe I am. But tapping into a vein of archetypal longing made him rich, and reconnected millions of people with ancient values that have resonated down through the centuries.

        2. I’ll never forget how, after Tal defeated you in 1960, you studied his game tirelessly until you located his weakness; then in 1961 you came back and kicked his ass. Now that’s chess.

        3. No. You’re wrong. The real Stan the Man played for the St. Louis Cardinals. He was the best. An even better human being than he was a great baseball player. And he was not frustrated. He never felt the need to try to impress everyone in the room. It’s really not necessary you know.

        4. Another frustrated critic… long on criticism but short on words. Maybe, just maybe, you do not have the vocabulary, linguistic or grammatical skills to communicate more than three words and a punctuation at a time. I hope you recover someday. It is not terminal. No matter what your 3rd Grade English teacher told you. You can progress. You can have a fulfilling life of dynamic communicative skill. 🙂

        1. “…”We have to let go of this notion that for Apple to win, Microsoft has to lose…”

          – Steve Jobs, 1997

          The greatest example ever of “Rope-a-Dope” used in business.
          Greatest. Example. Ever.

        2. This may have been a rope-a-dope, but it may also have been Steve seeing the future of reality completely devoid of any competition, let alone Microsoft. Steve always said that Apple essentially competed against the future by skating to where the puck was going to be. Apple basically ignores the status quo and its so-called competitors that are so focused on the near term and not the future.

  2. “The next great thing” was OSX.
    The next next great thing was the iPod with iTunes. After that the iPhone and THEN the iPad.

    Still waiting for my flying car, but I’ll settle for a watch. 😉

  3. If Apple homogenizes iOS and OSX and is careful to cherry pick the best from each, and not over-iOSify OSX or over-OSXify iOS, both the iPad and the Mac will continue their greatness for quite a while.

    1. To a degree Apple has done this. OSX and iOS are different beast for different markets. There is some look and feel that is the same for continuity. The code and SDK is similar so developers can move to one another without a learning curve. However the Mac and iDevice are very different markets. Mac needs to stay open to outside developers, handle complex apps, and connect to a wide range of peripherals. iOS need simplicity, security, and power maintenance. Making one OS would be bad for both worlds.

      1. Agreed. Let’s hope Apple remembers they are, and should continue to be different markets, and doesn’t dumb down the Mac OS. They’ve always been pretty good at optimizing for a device. Save for a few blunders like what they did to the original iMovie, FinalCutPro, and screwing up iTunes 10.7 (no multiple windows), I believe they’ll keep us happy by paying more attention. The last few years have kept them busy trying to balance the similarities and differences between using iOS devices and Macs

        1. This too more people are recognizing, and over time will continue because people don’t want the overhead of poorly integrated devices. The PC world has a ways to go to get to the level of integration that Apple has.

  4. That just go to show how many people really never needed a full fledge computer. Personally I only use my iPad for entertainment, reading, watching TV, playing games and light web surfing. I use my Mac Pro and my iMac a hack of a lot more. But that is because I need to as a content creator. But the immense majority of people do not create content except word processing files, presentations and spread sheets. An iPad with a keyboard is more than enough for 90% of the people. The iPad has even driven techno-phobic individuals in to the “computing” world, since even an orangutan can use one.

  5. I am the furthest thing from an apple fanboy, I have a windows 8 laptop, a htc android smartphone, I’ve owned the Microsoft surface rt, galaxy note 10.1, the google nexus 7, galaxy s3, galaxy tab, suffice to say I’m a google/Microsoft user. I am typing this on my new iPad mini, I now only use my pc at night for hulu when I’m going to sleep. This thing is amazing, better than any other tablet I have owned, and this is coming from someone that has spent the last couple years bashing and hating on apple, traded in my iPhone 4 for a galaxy nexus, and traded my MacBook Pro for a Sony viao. In my own personal opinion I still like android on a smartphone, I may even get an s4, but on the tablet front in my eyes android pales in comparison to the iPad. I have even recently been considering switching back to a Mac since windows 8 is a complete and utter mess. It’s like they took what would piss off a competent user and increased it by a factor of 10. Maybe if they shake things up with ios7 and the rumors of the “iPhone math” are true, I may even switch back to an iphone

  6. Tablets are the next generations of computers.

    Apple was able to evolve under the reign of Steve Jobs and therefore seized that market. Microsoft was too busy milking it’s Windows and Office business and didn’t see the meteorite coming.

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