What it was really like to work with Steve Jobs

“People who worked with Steve Jobs (I’ll call him Steve) usually don’t talk about it,” Glenn Reid writes for Inventor Labs Blog. “It’s kind of an unwritten rule, partly because he was obsessive about his privacy.”

“I think that has all changed now, but I’m not exactly sure. I am at least sure that my phone won’t ring if I say something about the experience,” Reid writes. “And I feel compelled to do just that, because there is so much written about Steve, and so few who have actually seen him work. I was one of those people.”

Reid writes, “I actually worked with the guy, and I’m realizing that perhaps I worked with him more closely than almost anyone (save Avie and the many who were in his inner circle for the whole duration of course) — because I worked on products that he cared deeply about.”

Read more in the full article here.


  1. I have been reading MacDailyNews articles for many years and this ranks up there with the best. Success comes from hard work and not compromising – a wonderful message to ALL.

  2. I was fortunate to meet and get to know him back in the xerox parc days. If there was ever a single man that set the stage for me it was Steve. His visions and passion to this day has me compelled with never accepting status quo. I commend him for all he brought to the world as a whole

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