iOS 5 Mobile browsing significantly faster than iOS 4

Is Safari performance under iOS 5 better than iOS 4?

New Relic took a look at their Real User Monitoring data to see. New Relic, headquartered in San Francisco, is an all-in-one web application performance tool that lets users see performance from the end-user experience down to the line of application code.

New Relic’s SaaS solution, which combines real user monitoring, application monitoring, and availability monitoring in a single solution built from the ground up, changes the way developers and operations teams manage web application performance in real-time. More than 12,000 organizations use New Relic to optimize over 6 billion transactions in production each day.

New relic measured average page load speed across 3,000 apps and found iOS 4 with Safari 5.0 took 9.6 seconds. iOS 5 with Safari 5.1 took only 4.1 seconds, more than twice as fast!

New relic: iOS 5 Safari vs. iOS 4 Safari browser performance

Source: New Relic


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