Palm and webOS patents now wait for Apple

“After HP’s news of killing off webOS devices and pondering spinning off their PC business, “the real fun will be watching what happens to the Palm patents,” Eric Jackson writes for Forbes.

“Given how hated HP is now, with a pathetic stock price, they have to sell these patents now to maximize shareholder value (read: save the directors’ necks from the wrath of shareholders),” Jackson writes. “Apple is probably in the driver’s seat to get them.”

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Jackson writes, “Are there still commentators clamoring for Apple to blow their cash pile on a dividend? These last few months of patent war show how wise Apple was to stockpile its cash and wait.”

Read more in the full article here.

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “Brawndo Drinker” for the heads up.]


      1. Just like the stupid ad I saw for the PlayBook. It was playing two video’s at once. Why?

        They should show the real end of the ad where the owner of the Playbook is so confused as to why the battery is dead after an hour of use.

        On topic, I’d say these are some valuable patents to have.

    1. “Oh yes, please buy it all up and incorporate the best features of webOS into iOS. It would make iOS truly untouchable.”

      Shouldn’t that be “…truly touchable.” 🙂

  1. Considering that Palm was one of the founders and significant player in the PDA space (think – proto-iPhone!), they should have a number of patents still alive that could be quite useful.

    Agree with the observation that the newer patents can be bought up as a means of denying them to a competitor, but I haven’t seen AAPL use that tactic. I think AAPL would even be unphased if GOOG acquired them and incorporated them into Android. Legit competitors don’t faze them (legitimacy is what the WebOS patents would lend Android), but one misappropriating their stuff gets them riled.

  2. folks WebOS surfs much better than IOS. I am playing with a demo unit now and it feels better than my gen 1 iPad. Angry birds plays a lot better on the Tpad than on the iPad. There must be a lot under the WebOS hood that Apple could use or deny to others. Particularly if WebOS runs even faster on an iPad than a T pad. I am a Mac fan but the truth is the truth. I was ( still am) surprised by what I found.

    1. always suspicious when a post includes…”‘I”m really a mac fan…but….”
      and in this case an added note of sincerity. (cue the Truth music theme)…”the truth is the truth”

  3. “These last few months of patent war show how wise Apple was to stockpile its cash and wait.”

    Not to mention plunking down billions at a time to secure crucial supply chains.

  4. Over on ‘The Register’ they are reporting that HP’s tablet did even worse than the 10% sell through of Best Buy outside of USA.

    In the UK they sold 100 tablets and 700 total in the whole of Europe.

    That’s not 100,000 that’s 100.

  5. Interesting how a man like Steve Jobs, whose lifetime is obviously both precious and coming to an end in the foreseeable future, still has so much more patience than all his competitors.
    I am truly amazed and impressed.

  6. I wonder what patents are included… maybe there are some that are worth getting. We certainly don’t know the full extent since we consumers are at the bottom of the insider knowledge pool.

  7. It’s worth considering that H-P was the only PC manufacturer not designing desktop machines to fit the decor of double-wide trailers. If you don’t have a government Purchase Order, you have to send pictures of your mullet to order a Dell.

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