Dave Letterman’s Top Ten Reason to Buy an iPad 2 (with video)

Here are the “Top Ten Reasons to Buy the iPad 2” from CBS’ Late Show with David Letterman, broadcast on March 15, 2011:

Direct link to video via YouTube here.

MacDailyNews Take: Add some more to iPad 2 demand, Apple. Hey, how about some supply? 😉


    1. MDN needs to either quit posting flash crap.
      Or when they say “with video” they need to rename it “with flash video”
      And post the damn transcript of what is said.

  1. 1. it’s a big ipod touch
    2. it never changes.
    3. it is full of bugs.
    4. it will never dominate.
    5. it is slow.
    6. it doesn’t run apps.
    7. it is not the future.
    8. it is ripping others off.
    9. it is not revolutionary.
    0. it is not magic.

  2. I used to be a big Letterman fan, but this wasn’t very funny. There were a couple of chuckles in there, but “chopping vegetables” was so last-year-Colbert.

    This was hit-whoring on TV that bled over online. Even worse, it was a week late.

  3. Flash is dead…. no one uses it anymore!! Oh wait is my anger showing through for buying the 700$ “internet” table that cant even see the whole web. I love all this flash is dead crap. I had to just watch this on my macbook air and what do you know, it didnt slow down, crash or hicup in any way. Something tells me we are all just victims of Jobs childish spat in which the only losers are ourselves.

  4. Flash is dead…. no one uses it anymore!! Oh wait is my anger showing through for buying the 700$ “internet” table that cant even see the whole web. I love all this flash is dead crap. I had to just watch this on my macbook air and what do you know, it didnt slow down, crash or hicup in any way. Something tells me we are all just victims of Jobs childish spat in which the only losers are ourselves.

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