Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp. plans new national digital newspaper for Apple iPad, iPhone

invisibleSHIELD case for iPad“News Corp. Chief Executive Rupert Murdoch is embarking on an ambitious plan for a new national digital newspaper to be distributed exclusively as paid content for tablet computers such as Apple Inc.’s iPad and mobile phones,” Dawn C. Chmielewski reports for The Los Angeles Times.

Advertisement: Protect your iPad with the invisibleSHIELD.

“The initiative, which would directly compete with the New York Times, USA Today and other national publications, is the latest attempt by a major media organization to harness sexy new devices to reach readers who increasingly consume their news on the go,” Chmielewski reports. “The development underscores how the iPad is transforming the reading habits of consumers much like the iPod changed how people listen to music.”

“Unlike News Corp.’s business-centric Wall Street Journal, the new digital newspaper would target a more general readership, offering short, snappy stories that could be digested quickly. The newsroom would operate under the auspices of Murdoch’s New York Post and be overseen by its managing editor, Jesse Angelo. News Corp. has yet to set a launch date, although people familiar with the matter said the news organization would like it to debut by year’s end,” Chmielewski reports. “Although it would draw the reporting resources of the Post and Dow Jones, Murdoch could potentially invest millions of dollars to staff the operation and charge a yet-to-be determined subscription fee.”

Chmielewski reports, “Murdoch has been increasingly focused on building readership and revenue on digital platforms, erecting a pay wall around the Times of London and announcing plans to charge for access to News Corp.’s other newspaper websites. The media giant offers the Wall Street Journal on the iPad for a $4 weekly subscription fee… The initial success of the iPad has attracted other hardware makers hoping to capture a piece of the tablet market, which San Jose technology research firm Gartner Inc. believes could lead to the sales of 10.5 million devices by the end of this year.”

Read more in the full article here.

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “Carl H.” for the heads up.]


  1. The ultraliberal NYT is dying. The WaPo is dying. CNN is near death. The liberal radio talk shows are dead. Fox News is doing quite well.

    Ought to tell you libtards something. People won’t pay for liberal propaganda. Businesses won’t advertise in a sea of liberal lies.

  2. In the US 34 % think TARP was initiated by the Obama administration; 47% think TARP was initiated by the Bush administration. The minority view is correct. Perfect example of the poor job all media – but especially FOX – does at educating the public. Anyone that thinks the NYT is ultraliberal has never read it–remember William Saffire? – a regular editorialist and hardly a liberal.

  3. if it is anything like his current offerings of over-priced, duplicated dribble of which the pop-up advertisements interupt readingo f the content, and there is no editorial except for snide comment and free speach obituaries… and treating his readers like morons.. then it will FAIL!

  4. TowerTone, please reconcile your small words indictment with Steve’s political leanings. You need to reassess your approach as it is filled with self contradiction based on your MDN habit.
    Steve is a progressive, burn.

  5. “TowerTone, please reconcile your small words indictment with Steve’s political leanings.”

    What a fool you are. The ‘small words’ were for me to be able to understand. Sorry that was too complicated for your IQ level.

    And BTW, what does Steve have to do with this? You don’t have the thought process to answer the question yourself?

    Now run along and tell your daddy that someone’s picking on you…

  6. Soon after Obama got us into the Vietnam war, he proceeded to impose trickle down economics. This led to the gas lines of the early 70s. Previously, he caused the Dark Ages by over taxing the Druids and the fall of Rome with his Liberal excesses.
    I heard this on Fox.

  7. “The ultraliberal NYT is dying. The WaPo is dying. CNN is near death. The liberal radio talk shows are dead. Fox News is doing quite well.”

    If you think the WaPo, CNN & NYT are liberal you must be wayyyyy to the right of the traditional conservative. BTW- we do not live in a binary world where being to the Left of Faux, Rush, Hannity, Beck & Co makes you a fan of Obama.

    If you would like to read some REAL progressive (liberal) media, check out The Nation, Mother Jones, The Progressive, Talking Points Memo, Daily Koz, FireDogLake, AlterNet, Crooks & Liars…

    We are pissed at Obama because he is too far to the Right. Despite that, wechave common ground with many conservatives in that we were against TARP, think much of the stimulus was a waste of money, etc. For different reasons,but opposed just the same.

  8. I remain continually stunned at the capacity of people to hold such rigid world-views, contrary to reality. Just for the sake of fact:
    1. Nixon proposed universal health care and created the EPA.
    2. Reagan significantly raised taxes and launched progressive tax reform.
    3. Bush the first passed a tax hike on the wealthy in his deficit reduction bill.
    4. Bush the second supported the 1st and 14th amendments.
    I guess that means none of them were “true conservatives.”

  9. “4. Bush the second supported the 1st and 14th amendments.
    I guess that means none of them were “true conservatives.”

    Since most true Conservatives believe in a literal and not an interpretive view of the Constitution, I am guessing you mean he supported separation of church and state, which is not in the Constitution, and that illegals having children here are allowed to have that child declared a citizen of the U.S., which is another bastardized interpretation of the the original intent not used until 80 years after it was passed.

    I am just trying to get the gist of your point. I know there are many other clauses, so maybe I am off.

    Nixon also signed in OSHA and opened trade to Communist China. I don’t see any of those as counter to Conservative ideals, although they can be used, as any government entity, to encroach on other’s rights.

    Also, FYI, I have never known Nixon to be considered much of a Conservative as much as a straight-line Republican who balanced his brilliance with paranoid stupidity. Check Noam Chomsky’s view of Nixon, whom he considered a liberal (which would explain his stupid price and wage freeze’).

    And keep in mind that George the First cut a deal with Congress to get something done tax wise, which killed him politically and hasn’t gone without notice in future negotiations.

  10. @ TowerTone

    First: I appreciate your reasoned tones; you’re not giving mindless responses that I see so much of on here and that I find saddening and pathetic.

    Being literal with the Constitution is really hard — just the various parsings of the 2nd amendment has caused numerous suits and created a cottage industry devoted to litigating its meaning.

    Actually, illegals’ children was a point of contention when the 14th was passed. Check out the record for comments by the California legislators who feared that everyone from the “yellow hoard” to “Hotentots” (their actual terms) would take over CA and then the country.

    But the gist of what I wanted to say was that mindless rants, talking points devoid of actual truth, and revisionist history abound in the large majority of the posts from the far right or far left. (See “Obammy Suks” or “X” above.) And that’s really the main problem in the US today: there is no discourse or debate, there’s only shouting into the storm.

  11. It don’t matter who makes it it just seems no one knows how to make a good news paper for the iPad nyt doesn’t let u do in app word look ups how about changing the background to look more like a news paper how about copying their iPad app sux or auto sync everymorning???? Is their anyone in the app teams that is creative???

  12. Hm…

    Exactly. But the problem I have with interpretation is ignoring the intent, which can always be misconstrued by using different meanings of a word at different periods of history.

    What is ‘pursuit of happiness’? Is it something owed by the government to its people or a condition that the government has no right to take away? (Declaration, I know)

    What is ‘freedom of religion’? Is it the right of Muslims to be able to build in the shadow of the World Trade Center? I think it is and support the President in his position. Is it my right to protest the Mosque through freedom of speech? Well, I would hope so, as long as I don’t physically interfere with their right to assemble.

    So, in reference to the 14th, the intention was to keep states from deporting slaves born here by claiming they were not Americans.
    Since that was the intention, it was enforced as such by common sense, even to the technical extreme

    until this case

    which was all centered around illegals getting schooling while here illegally. Odd that the wording included-

    “illegal immigrant children are people “in any ordinary sense of the term”, and therefore had protection from discrimination unless a substantial state interest could be shown to justify it.”

    That “state interest” is now to keep from going broke. Of course, at the time, Texas was at the height of oil, cattle, real estate and farming, so it didn’t seem like a couple of hundred thousand kids would break the bank.

    So goodbye, Common Sense and hello Law of Unintended Consequences…

  13. Rupert Murdoch is eighty more years old, but he’s not old fashion. It’s a smart way for publishing and a smart business for News Corp. The tablet pc (like iPad) and smartphones will change the market rules of publishing and press.

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