Standard & Poor’s ups Apple price target, iPad unit sales estimate

invisibleSHIELD case for iPad“Standard & Poor’s analyst Clyde Montevirgen today repeated his Strong Buy rating on Apple (AAPL), while lifting his calendar 2010 iPad sales forecast to 9 million units from 8 million,” Eric Savitz reports for Barron’s.

Savitz reports, “He raises his EPS forecast for the September 2010 fiscal year by 17 cents, to $14.31; and he lifts his price target by $5 to $325.”

Full article here.


  1. Apple will sell another half million of iPads before end of the month.

    So basically S&B;’s “analytic” prognoses that iPads’ sales (while they only accelerated until now — with device not even being sold in most of the countries) will slow down to (9-3.5 = 5.5) / 6 months left of 2010 = 0.9 million per month?

    MBA is certificates **nothing**.

  2. These analysts will keep raising their iPad 2010 sales estimates every month, until at the end of the years, they’ll say

    “See, our estimates were right on the money.”

    Most of these “analysts” are worthless. Apple sold 3 million iPads in 80 days of sales. Let’s say the rate of sales does not increase at all, despite introductions in more and more countries, a ramp up in production to meet existing demand, and the holiday shopping surge to increase demand.

    So there are about 190 days left in the year.

    190 / 80 = 2.375
    2.375 * 3,000,000 = 7,125,000 iPads during those 190 days.
    Add in the 3,000,000 already sold and you get 10 million iPad sold (plus or minus).

    So what’s the point of estimating 9 million. It’s pretty certain the number will be at least 10 million, even if the rate of sales does not change. But it’s pretty certain that the rate of sales will steadily increase, so any reasonable estimate should be more than 10 million at this point.

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