TheStreet: Five reasons why you won’t see a Verizon iPhone on Monday

invisibleSHIELD case for iPad“As Apple gets set to take tech’s center stage at the Worldwide Developers Conference in San Francisco Monday, many gadget fans await the company’s newest gem — a redesigned iPhone… So to help put apprehensions to rest and possibly stir up new ones, we’ve patched together the five most definitive reasons you won’t see a Verizon iPhone Monday,” Scott Moritz foments for TheStreet.

Five reasons why you won’t see a Verizon iPhone on Monday:

5: CEO Ivan Seidenberg
4: New AT&T data pricing
3: Stinking contract
2: Because Verizon said so
1: Production plans say November

Full article here.


  1. The CDMA issue is completely trivial. There is no need to re-invent the wheel. The technology is widely available, implementations are well documented, chipsets are very cheap and, just like ALL other mobile phone makers make GSM and CDMA versions of their phones, Apple could do it in a second, with trivial expenses and time-to-market of at most a few weeks (plus some testing time).

    CDMA is NOT the primary issue here. I completely agree that there’s no chance we’ll see Verizon phone anytime soon, and for many much more legitimate reasons. CDMA is NOT one of them.

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