China Mobile talking with Apple about next-gen TD-SCDMA iPhone, bringing iPad to China

invisibleSHIELD case for iPad“China Mobile, China’s dominant mobile carrier, is interested in selling Apple’s iPad tablet computer in China, the company’s chairman said,” Reuters reports.

“The company was also talking to Apple about developing a next-generation iPhone that runs on TD-SCDMA, the home-grown third-generation (3G) mobile standard being used by China Mobile, Chairman Wang Jianzhou said at the company’s annual shareholder meeting on Wednesday,” Reuters reports.

The full, but very brief report, is here.


  1. don’t forget, CM were tough with Apple before, and ended up losing the iPhone…. ChinaUnicom got it…

    This time maybe CM will just sign on the dotted line, and drop the attitude.

    As Android fanboys are wont to admit, Apple gets huge kickbacks on each iPhone… whereas the Android OS is…. free of charge… relying instead on… ad clicks…urmmm…..

  2. @ mike,

    “As Android fanboys are wont to admit, Apple gets huge kickbacks on each iPhone… whereas the Android OS is…. free of charge… relying instead on… ad clicks…urmmm…..”

    The only problem with that scenario is Android fanboys want everything for free. The chances of an Android fanboy clicking on an ad to check out something for sale are slim and none and slim just left town.

  3. @Verizon

    Ooops, you and Google want to take on the iPad with Chrome…hows that going for ya

    Will believe the iPhone arrives in VLand when it lands…actually, my AT&T;service has markedly improved over the past year. Cutting off a year for the upgrade to the new 4.0 was an unexpected and pleasant surprise.

  4. @Big Als MBP

    Android fanboys want everything for free, yes, but there is a solution on the way, every time you open an app you have to watch a 5-10 second commercial and your ringtone is a commercial that changes after every call.

  5. <<Comment from: mike
    As Android fanboys are wont to admit, Apple gets huge kickbacks on each iPhone… whereas the Android OS is…. free of charge… relying instead on… ad clicks…urmmm…..>>

    What are you talking about? Apple does not get a kickback. Apple sells the phone to a carrier for a fixed price. That carrier subsidizes the phone via contract, in order to lower the retail price to the customer. There’s no kickback anywhere.

    As for Android phones, those phones are subsidized too. The OEM or manufacturer is in the same position as Apple, as they get the wholesale price from the carrier.

  6. @Anonymous, I think you’re incorrect. Didn’t Apple’s contract with AT&T;include revenue-sharing, i.e., AT&T;pays Apple a portion of the profits from monthly charges, etc.?

    Magic Word: “fear”, as in, All of Apple’s competitors are quaking with fear

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