adds iPad to menu; separates iPod and iTunes, buries Downloads has reorganized a bit with the arrival of iPad.

“Downloads” is gone as a main button and its contents are now located under “Support” in the “Additional Resources” box at the bottom left of the page, click “Third-Party Downloads.”*

The site’s main menu used to look like this:

Now it shows this:

Check out the changes here:

MacDailyNews Take: So, what do you think of’s new menu and site organization?

*The “Downloads” under “Support” are, as always, different than the ones that used to be under the main button’s “Downloads” (click the links provided to see the difference).


  1. Wish I’d taken a screenshot, but when I checked Apple about 7am, to see about the iPad, I noticed that the tab bar at the top of every page except for “Store” was screwy. They still had the original names, but the actual buttons were already reset for the new look. If you hovered over ’em the boxes were all off.

    Took ’em about an 1.5 hours to finally fix it. For awhile, when you went to “Downloads” in “Support”, 2 of the tabs had an Apple logo and no text.

    Someone had a very bad day this morning ” width=”19″ height=”19″ alt=”wink” style=”border:0;” />

  2. It makes sense not only for adding iPad but for seperating iTunes from iPod as they are no longer conjoined as they were years ago. So ya I like it but what’s up with downloads? Maybe in the mac section is where it belongs. Or perhaps a new section of the AppStore. Will keep diggin

  3. I’m a bit upset … I had a look at the new website layout and had a peek at the iPad page – and I noticed that you have to have Leopard for the iPad but for Windoze it goes back as far as XP. Why is there more choice for the Dark Side people? Although I work with the latest Macs at work I just use a G4 iBook at home with Tiger as Leopard is too sluggish. Oh bollocks!

  4. The site is getting clunky and less Apple-ish more and more. Like the iTunes store before it, it needs some better organization and maybe some sub tabs beneath the main ones for this sort of thing. You shouldn’t have to fight the web site to find things.

  5. AppleTV is located under Popular Accessories (left column of page) under “For iPod” (Apple Online Store main page). – – Bit strange I might add. Does this mean the “hobby” is going bye-bye?

    Also, movie trailers is under the “Mac” section, at the far bottom under “Quicktime”.

    I agree with Maul, clunky is right. All this for the bloody iPad (pardon the awful visualization).

  6. 茹止住身形,脸上已经满是苍白之色,眼瞳中也是一片灰白,仿若死尸一般! “没事吧?!” 林浩从碎石雪冻中爬了起来,大急道,双手握紧了拳头,但 有哪些人适合做面部吸脂 却感到一阵无力,别说是帮忙了,就连靠近他都 做个眼袋手术多少钱 有种要被撕裂的感觉,若不是他肉身够强,此刻恐怕早就被余波粉碎了。 他死死地看向陈轩,心中有愤怒,更有一分自责! 如果他早听信有哪些人适合做面部吸脂赤水当日的话,就不会出现这种情形了! 是的,当日在紫煞道,赤水虽然对着赤河说话,但却不知用了什么方法,声音丝毫无差地落入了林浩耳中,告诉他,陈轩是华敬锋手下的无影者,是真正的强者! 只是他没在意,陈轩是华敬锋的追随者?是真正的强者?开什么玩笑? 正是他轻信了陈轩,也是他 鱼尾纹除皱术怎么样 的自

  7. 体立刻流淌了出来。金刚兽彻底的失去了视觉,它重重的倒在了河中,巨大的浪花席卷着两旁的菜园子,巨浪席卷着那些靠近河流的房屋。 保定整形医院哪家好 “一起上!”大叔似乎觉得抓住了机会,他怒吼一声:“杀了这怪兽,足够我们今年的粮食了!” “杀啊!”众人一窝蜂 咱们继续玩儿过 的冲了上去。 “不要过来,不要过来!”陈潇大吃一惊,这个时候金刚兽可还没有死呢,这个时候绝对是最危险的时候。金刚兽此时的脾气最为暴躁,失去了双眼,但是它还有最基础的感知系统,它可以分辨出危险的方向。因此,即便它失去了双眼,但是,它依然十分 ” 墨顏玉下身赤裸 的危险。 陈潇的叫喊声并没有让他们停止,无奈之下,陈潇急忙朝着金刚兽连续甩出了几张黄符,用声音和气味来掩盖大叔等人的踪迹。果然,在

  8. 超级炼宝系统, 第四百三十九章 出兵十天的时间一晃而逝,而陈阳也将自己计划炼化的凡宝,全部炼化成功,而且现在他的声望还剩余将近 广州哪家白癜风医院好 两亿的样子,可以以备不时之需!如此一来 白癜风养身 ,两万名亲卫军已经完全是武装到了牙齿的恐怖怪兽,而二十万天神军也终于有了强大的防护力量,至于五十万武警部队,虽然作为二线预备部队,陈阳也奢侈的提供了手枪宝。这样一来,自然就让他二十亿的声望花了个差不多,加上给这些军队配备的丹药,可以说陈阳是大放血了。在得到了天神将军提供的武器凡宝之后,顿时三支可以对外作战的部队 白癜风诱因 ,都如同打了鸡血一样,狂热的气氛在军营之中响起,而这广州哪家白癜风医院好些只为战争只为效忠天神将军而存在的军队,也爆发出了强

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