MacDailyNews’ idea worked like a charm: Microsoft pays for free Saks shop window ads – for Apple

72 Hour Apple Black Friday SaleYesterday, while covering the announcement that Saks and Microsoft has teamed up on Windows 7-powered holiday windows displays, we immediately had an idea:

Let’s help make those windows interactive while giving some excellent holiday shopping advice with a constant stream of “Get a Mac” tweets. Like we just did. Note: Just include the hashtag #holidaywindows in any tweet and “Get a Mac” along with any other holiday wishes (“right down the street, look under the glass cube,” etc.) that you wish to impart. winkMacDailyNews, November 24, 2009, 4pm EST.

Our post that started the avalanche was simple and straightforward: “#holidaywindows Get a Mac!

Well, shortly thereafter, our idea took off like wildfire, check out the #holidaywindows twitter stream.

For reference, the Saks Fifth Avenue’s shop windows displays look like this:

Direct link to video via YouTube here.

Some of the tweets shown in Saks’ #holidaywindows twitter stream windows, sponsored by Microsoft:
• Turn right, go to the Apple Store and enjoy computing again
• Stop the insanity! Get a Mac
• If you are buying a new computer with 7ista, why not get a Mac and relieve the holiday headaches?
• Want to make yourself look like a dumbass? Get Windows 7. If not, get a Mac, problem solved.
• This display is powered by an Apple Mac.
• Get a Mac – It’s perfect with your iPhone!
• Have a wonderful holiday season: walk down to columbus circle and get a Mac!
• Santa Claus is a Mac User…why aren’t you? HO! HO! HO! 5th Ave Apple Superstore open 24 hours NYNY
• this is how easy it is to hack a PC.
• When I managed Windows machines I was losing the will to live. Switched to Mac, Never looked back! Mac is Happiness.

This is yet another example of the total lack of attention-to-detail and forethought that is endemic to whatever Microsoft touches.

MacDailyNews Note: Microsoft astroturfers have since been dispatched to Twitter to try to cover the company’s ill-conceived marketing mistake with pro-Microsoft, pro-Windows tweets. You know what to do.


  1. Anyone who thinks a little playful competition means you have a chip on your shoulder, needs to read the internal microsoft emails released from the msft anti-trust investigation. The email authors, most still running this company display the most conniving, cheating, cruel, anti-competitive, and evil criminality.

  2. iSquidy does have a point – even though I’m laughing so hard I just fell off my chair. (better get back on my chair before you know who throws it across the room.) ” width=”19″ height=”19″ alt=”wink” style=”border:0;” />

  3. Microsoft’s idea was to display anything anyone writes without someone checking it for for anything like. . . obscenities?!?!?

    Have they lost their minds, or are they just out to lunch?

  4. I don’t get it either. Here’s what I see: a very short, unexplained video of a big screen christmas graphic with a Microsoft Windows 7 logo in the lower right corner. Nothing about it is specifically Microsoft Windows 7. For all we know, that is just a big screen hooked up to an old Mac G4 running OS 9.22. It’s just a static image. It could be Linux for all we know.

    Is this somehow an earth shattering moment for Microsoft? Do I need to have twitter in order to be let in on the “joke”? What is so funny about this? How about one of you hipsters explain why this has any meaning at all?

  5. Ok. I see. You tweet a message that gets posted on the screen so people can read pro-Mac comments on a Windows 7 display screen. wow.

    I am astonished at the sheer magnitude of how clever that is. What’s next? Poo poo and pee pee jokes? I’m so proud of the Mac community right now.


  6. [Anyone who thinks a little playful jab at the competition means you have a chip on your shoulder, needs to read the internal microsoft emails released from the MSFT anti-trust investigation. The email authors — most of them STILL running that company — display the most conniving, cheating, cruel, anti-competitive, and evil ‘criminality’.]

    If I was a Microsoft apologist I might say, “Just because MS does all those things, doesn’t mean you have to do some prank to get back at them. You’re acting as bad as them.”

    But, I’m not.

    How in the hell, could I conclude that the actions were EQUAL. Only with the most twisted, circular, usual, Microsoft fanboi, logic.

  7. “Microsoft’s idea was to display anything anyone writes without someone checking it for for anything like. . . obscenities?!?!?”

    Or political abuse against people who voted for one party or another. Or racial abuse — suppose a tweet popped up: “Chinese go back to Beijing: you’re not welcome in Saks” or something or the sort.

    Some people looking in the window who weren’t very _au fait_ with technology might just assume all the messages were from the store.

    Really, really stupid. So stupid Ballmer must have thought this one up. But fancy the store agreeing!

  8. I half expect either Betteridge or ‘Beeblebrox’ to inform us that there are no Windows Fanbois.

    That from their experience, only Mac zealots exist. They’ve never heard of Dvorak, Thurrot, Enderle, Kommando, etal..

    Apparently, Mac users have no reason to be resentful of Microsoft. And they should just move along, to get along.

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