What the U.S. tech industry needs from Obama

“Obama needs to evaluate the economy and realize that the tech sector is being impacted heavily by laws that punish them for operating in the U.S. instead of encouraging them to expand their businesses here,” Reisinger writes. “If he doesn’t, the entire industry could be left in a dire position.”

“For once, a U.S. president since Ronald Reagan needs to protect the interests of our businesses. In order to do that, President-elect Obama needs to ensure that government funding is being put in the right places to help the tech industry stay on top,” Reisinger writes.

“Obama needs to ensure that the Research and Development tax credit stays permanent and government grants needs to be given to innovators to help the U.S. take a leadership role in important sectors in the industry, like nanotechnology,” Reisinger writes.

“More importantly, Obama needs to realize that imposing significant taxes on companies simply won’t solve any of our economic troubles,” Reisinger writes. “The technology industry is one of the most important sectors in our economy, but if he decides to tax major firms even more, we can expect one outcome: the tried and true dictum that companies don’t pay taxes will rear its ugly head once more and prices industry-wide will rise. And when that happens, we can expect even worse financial results from major companies in the industry and the possibility that many of those firms will move their operations overseas to protect their financial interests.”

Full article here.


  1. Match the people (Rush Limbaugh, Winston Churchill, Ronald Reagan, John F. Kennedy) to the quotes below:

    1. “Republicans believe every day is the 4th of July, but the Democrats believe every day is April 15.”

    2. “If you’re not a liberal at 20, you have no heart, and if you’re not a conservative at 40, you have no head.”

    3. “An economy hampered by restrictive tax rates will never produce enough revenues to balance our budget just as it will never produce enough jobs or enough profits… In short, it is a paradoxical truth that tax rates are too high today and tax revenues are too low and the soundest way to raise the revenues in the long run is to cut the rates now.”

    4. “No nation ever taxed itself into prosperity.”

  2. My favorite part of the article above:

    “Obama needs . . .” What Reisinger meant to say was that “the industry needs Obama to need.” The only thing Obama “needs” is to pay back the legions of supporters who put him in office. Technology and the other half of the electorate be damned.

  3. A four-letter word is used to describe most swear words in the English language, as most such terms do indeed possess four letters. Count the ‘fours’.
    President-elect Obama faces daunting challenges, elected on the 4th November. Obama’s Age (46)
    The 44th president-in-waiting.
    The popular vote was 52.3 percent for Obama and 46.4 percent for McCain. But the count in the Electoral College was much more lopsided – 349 to 147. Democrats will control both the White House and Congress for the first time since 1994.

  4. Al- my thoughts exactly.

    If SV wanted lower taxes they backed the wrong guy.

    Perhaps Ca. Corps. are looking for reasons to vacate.

    But who knows, the soon to be POTUS has a track record of not taking a position and changing positions when he does (aside from run for office, he’s done little else). Perhaps now that he’s said what he needed to say to get into office, he will be more centrist.

    I won’t be holding my breath.

  5. President-elect Obama is a pragmatist who will do whatever it takes to get the job done. He’s not the extreme idealogue hell bent on raising taxes that Republicans seek to portray. Their consistent underestimation of President-elect Obama is, well, a big reason why he’s President-elect Obama.

    President-elect Obama.

    President-elect Obama.

    President-elect Obama.

    President-elect Barack Hussein Obama! YEAH!!

  6. Now that we have manna from heaven on our lawns this morning, here is what Obama really needs to do:
    1) Ban all Chinese imports for sale in the USA to force US companies to create factories and jobs here.
    2) Tax these companies and force them to use “green” energy to run these plants
    3) Tax the executives who run these companies to the hilt
    4) Sign legislation (its coming) to enable easy unionization in all employment sectors

    Prosperity is around the corner!

  7. What they need (and al the industries) is lower corporate taxes so they don’t feel the need to move out of the country.

    In Ireland, they slashed their corpotrate taxes, and industry has been flooding there, resulting in a rampaging economy, low unemployment and…….more tax revenues!!

    They also need Obama to not cause them to have to pay millions of dollars in odd environmental fines and upgrades.

  8. Yes. Research tax credit my foot. Let the bums pay for their own research.

    Reisinger is an imbecile. He wants taxpayers to pay for company research so the companies can create jobs overseas to produce the results of that research. Which means Reisinger wants the US government use our money to create jobs in China.

    Is this what you conservatives are for?

  9. People who cling to the idea that the Republican party is somehow more fiscally responsible than Democrats need to open up the minds beyond partisan bickering.

    Spending under the Bush administration has been out of control. Cutting the deficit should be as much of a national security issue as our energy policy. We can’t keep borrowing from other countries to fund our government.

    When Reagan took office, CEO to average worker pay ratio was 40 to 1. Now it is 600 to 1. Do CEOs really deserve the compensation they are receiving? Can a completely free capitalist market self regulate itself or does making the most money for the fewest people the fastest way possible become the ultimate goal as we have seen with the financial crisis now?

    The economy is not bringing all Americans up. We should be lifting the entire nation up together! The middle class is shrinking and the pressures are growing.

    No one should be surprised that Democrats are taking control of everything. The Republican party has really let many Americans down. At least former House-leader Newt Gingrich had a intellectually devised plan for America. The last 8 years has just been a terrible meandering between secrecy, scare tactics, bullying and scapegoating.

    The Republicans need to sit back and rethink what it is that they can offer to the America other than legislating morality and forcing democracy in other countries through war (Iraq and Bush) rather than diplomacy (China and Nixon).

  10. ” He’s not the extreme idealogue hell bent on raising taxes that Republicans seek to portray. “

    I hope you’re right. I wish you were right. But, you’re not. He’s been underestimated and that’s a fact; but, he’s fooled all of his worshippers. Like you.

    I fear for our Republic.

  11. Didn’t Obama say “lower taxes for people earning under $250K”? And for small businesses? He also did not say “higher taxes for people earning more”, he said “fewer tax BREAKS for people earning more”. And for larger companies.
    Does anyone here actually believe that Exxon requires special tax breaks? Their earnings – AFTER taxes – were at record levels this past year. Their tax RATE is not set to change, just their available tax BREAKS … you know, those loopholes that allow companies to legally not pay the full rate.
    I just hope the budget cuts start with any contract awarded without going through the “required” bidding process … like Haliburton’s and Blackwater’s. Cut them off without another penny and strand their employees overseas.

  12. The country gambled on someone noone really knows…let’s hope their gamble is right.
    If he does his job right, he has to stay in the middle, which means ticking off alot of Democrats. He can’t favor blacks, which means ticking off alot of blacks.
    He can’t just punt as commander in chief like Clinton did, which means ticking off hollywood, students, 20 somethings, etc.
    There’s a tough road ahead…celebrate now, because wisdom says you won’t be celebrating later.
    He has been mister “gonna”, now he has to actually do something. Hope not, but if possibly some West Virginia extreme mountain radical nutcase ever shoots at him, the whole country is going to go beserk in every way. People in Atlanta were beaten up over what happened to Rodney King in LA. One nut can ruin all our lives and create separation instead of every person coming together.

  13. “More importantly, Obama needs to realize that imposing significant taxes on companies simply won’t solve any of our economic troubles,”

    You elected Obama you stupid! He is a socialist and you are asking for less tax burden?

    America brought this upon themselves by electing this guy.

  14. Obviously some of you voters ignored Obama’s real leadership experience: 3 years as a brilliant community organizer created a voter registration drive of 150,000 new voters, first black President of the prestigious Harvard Law Review, 12 years as Constitutional Law professor, 8 years as a State Senator representing a district with over 750,000 people (bigger than the entire state of Alaska of 670,000) and co-sponsor of the first Ethics Rules in 25 years, chairman of the state Senate’s Health and Human Services committee, 4 years in the United States Senate representing a state of 14 million people while sponsoring 131 bills and serving on the Foreign Affairs, Environment and Public Works and Veteran’s Affairs committees, and ran the most efficient campaign and biggest donation fund ever in the history. Unless Republican is now officially the party of highschool drop-outs who want to elect McCain, graduated fifth last in his class, and Palin who took 6 years, 5 colleges to get a 4-year degree, and used divisive tactics to win the Mayorship of Wasilla, 5,000 people and Governorship in her third smallest state of the USA, its business is so easy that Palin could stay home half of the time with her children and charged the state on top of her full-time salary, to lead this 310,000,000 people country to the Banana Republic status, or based on Palin’s “executive” records in Alaska, to a Dictatorship. GAMBLE OUR COUNTRY WITH TWO ECCENTRIC, RECKLESS MAVERICKS IN THE WHITE HOUSE?

    And you prefer that?

    Since I am far more familiar with Obama’s record and what he has accomplished – rather than believe all of the FU that has floated around – I actually researched and made a decision based upon those things I voted for

    “That One”

    Can’t you just see the claws in the air!

    One other thing: The most organised political campaign that has ever been witnessed in the history of the US electoral process – bar none.

    But then why would that matter.

    As for the topic – you may want to actually read Obama’s position papers before you consider that he is a tax and spend ah… Republican.

    And do you really like the debt that Dyubya is leaving us – 3 Trillion dollars that we get to pay with money that is loaned to us at interest?
    You really do not get it unless you get what I just said.

    And then you’ll get that it doesn’t really matter who is at the helm as long as he/she follows orders.


  15. mmmmmm SOCIALISM….

    such a nasty word!

    Go look up the definition of socialism… please.

    Do you build your own roads, sewers, water collection and distribution systems, public parks, libraries, public schools, police, fire department? No? Then YOU my friend are a socialist. Period. When the collective population jointly pays for community services, it is socialism.

    If you have a hard-on for Sarah Plain then admit it but do not espouse her crap and expect everyone with an Iq above that of a toad to believe it.

    Read – research – make up your own mind. Quit buying the bu _ _ sh _ _ . We had eight years of that!

  16. @Facts,

    “Halliburton currently employs over 50,000 people: our friends, relatives and neighbors.”

    This is worse than folks living on government handouts. I hope your friends and neighbors can get employment rebuilding our own country.


    I believe the republicans have been highjacked by the religious right. The religious right is using the republican party to advance their own agenda which has nothing to do with fiscal conservatism, small government and keeping the government from controlling our lives. This election made this clear. If McCain were a true maverick he would have ignored them completely and selected an experienced, articulate and fiscally conservative running mate. These crusaders don’t pay any taxes anyway (Joe the Plumber!) and should be happier with Obama’s policies. So they don’t care about the economy. They only care about “morality”. It is time the party to either kick them out or for the true conservatives to leave the party and join with libertarians.

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