McCain-Palin vs. Obama-Biden: Technology and the U.S. presidential election

The MacJury marches into dangerous territory by taking on the topic of technology and the United States Presidential election. While trying (and failing) to be objective, the panel discusses:

• The existence of a tech constituency
• The importance of tech savvy in a chief executive
• Both campaigns use of social networks

MacJury asks, “Are political campaigns held to different standards of privacy and perception than corporate marketing efforts? Are there dangers in being a vocal participant in the election debates? Why can’t you donate to either campaign with PayPay?”

All these and many more election tech topics are debated (MP3 audio, 57:33) by the panel (Joe Kissell, Tom Negrino, Dori Smith, Chuck Joiner) here.


  1. “”McCain totally destroyed Obama on the V.P pick.””

    If by ‘destroyed’ you mean picked a completely unqualified candidate based on her ability to pander to both women and extreme right wing fundamentalist religion voters, while putting this country’s security at stake, then yes, you would be correct.

  2. Obama? Seriously? The guy has no qualifications. He hasn’t finished a term as a senator. And he has Joe Biden, one of the Washington insiders. He’s been in the Senate since Julius Caeser…….

    Me, I’m for LESS government. I’m NOT for national health care, I’m FOR less taxes. I’m FOR securing the borders. So, I’m voting Republican.

  3. Wild-eyed Liberals.

    Keep denigrating Palin, it’s working perfectly.

    Obama’s comparing himself to Sarah Palin simply illustrates that he’s too inept to be elected.

    Obama’s claim to fame is running his campaign… into the ground!

  4. Like Lemmings to the shore, divide and conquer is the order of the day.

    Continue all this petty in-fighting while the real power sits back and laughs.

    Go back to sleep America, nothing has changed, and nothing will, as long as we are a polarized people. Remember, a house divided cannot stand.

    Now, back to our show!

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