Barack Obama is Apple, Hillary Clinton is Dell

“Not long after Barack Obama entered the presidential race last February, there appeared on YouTube a parody of the famed 1984 Macintosh ad in which Hillary Clinton was portrayed as Big Brother. It all seemed a bit heavy handed at the time but in the months since the Apple analogy has grown stronger and not weaker,” Matt Cooper writes for

Direct link via YouTube here.

Apple stock more than doubed last year as the company became the sine qua non of hip and cool. Itss white-background TV ads gently mocked the PC-and-Microsoft world rather than treating it as a totalitarian ruler. Isn’t that the same cool-and-confident tone that Obama had shown in recent months? He derides the Clinton campaign–where my spouse is a senior adviser–and belittles it gently but devastatingly. I had enough confidence in Apple last year to buy some stock when it was at $75 but as it approached $100 I dumped it fearing that it couldn’t rise any higher. Oops. It went on to $200,” Cooper writes.

“If I misjudged the Apple rise to astonishing heights, the entire political world misjudged Obama,” Cooper writes.

“Hillary Clinton is Dell. The Austin-based computer maker was hottest thing in the 90s, like the Clintons. Since then it’s fallen on harder times, although it’s hardly gone the way of Atari or Commodore or other computer relics. It’s still a strong brand with a thriving following. But it’s not Apple,” Cooper writes.

Full article here.


  1. Bush uses a Mac.

    So dies this mean Mac users are dumb like Bush?

    I vote for “none of the above” myself.

    Competancy wise, I think Rudy has the best skills. Party wise, eh.

    Mrs. Clinton already had her turn, 8 years in fact. She and buddy Bill pardoned many criminals, especially of a rich, religious sect in exchange for votes and cash.

    Obama? bin Laden?

    Enough aid. Go Rudy!!!

  2. I voted for Bill. I voted for Hillary.

    But when Hillary went AWOL on Iraq, she lost me for good!
    We in NYC didn’t want revenge. Bombing and killing and revenge is easy. We wanted questions asked. Hillary let us down!

    If Bill got a sex-change, could he run again?
    Billie Clinton? Hmmmm.

  3. This is such a joke.

    If Obama wins the democratic nomination… it will be further proof that the office is nothing more than a popularity contest. Obama is getting votes because he is young, good looking, and a smoothe talker….

    He should not be getting votes because he is a hypocrite…. he tries to criminalize the other candidates for doing exactly what he does… accepts money from special interests and the like…. he voted FOR the patriot act after running a campaign claiming that he would not… he demonizes Hillary for voting for the war (which she later admitted was a mistake and denounced…) but HE VOTED TO FUND IT… He is a hypocrite that is getting votes for completely superficial reasons and it is disgusting….

    Hillary is Apple. Let us not forget that Al Gore… who is on the Apple board of directors… ENDORSED HILLARY. Apple is a superior brand that is has historically not gotten the attention it deserved which is exactly what is happening right now to Hillary….

    Hillary is the Apple candidate…. Obama is going to win and appoint Steve Ballmer as VP….

    Don’t vote for an image and empty promises…


  4. Obama is a slick salesman that works at Best Buy or Circuit City. He knows how to dress and lay on the blah,blah, blah sales hi-tech pitch, knows all the buzz words, but ask him a single technical question about what he is talking about and he hasn´t a clue. But he knows you can have a better computer if you buy it from him.
    He even knows all about Apple computers, but has never owned one or even turned one on.
    Obama knows that company X makes the greatest hard drives and they are easy to install in your computer, but he has never done it. In fact, he has a Windows computer that is 9 years old running Windows 95 that someone gave him.
    Obama thinks iPods are super cool, but he doesn´t own one….just the white Apple earphones that run from his empty suit pocket to his ears that make him look hip.
    He is all talk and never done any of the stuff he processes to be an “expert” in.

    Hillary: well, she is neither Dell nor Apple. But let her first take a poll of what you prefer and she will be it….until she takes the next poll.

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