So, where’s Apple’s iPhone for France?

“After the one-two punch of announcements of iPhone availability in the U.K. and Germany last week, every Apple enthusiast fully expected Steve Jobs to make a public announcement at this week’s Apple Expo in Paris of a deal with French cellphone provider Orange. He did not,” David Zeiler blogs for The Baltimore Sun.

“It’s crazy. Last Friday Didier Lombard, chief executive of France Télécom (which owns Orange) told a reporter a trade show in Vietnam that Orange had made a deal with Apple, which many media outlets reported. But Apple never said a word,” Zeiler reports.

“In all likelihood details of the deal are still being worked out – but for Apple to let such an obvious PR opportunity slip by is completely out of character… Then again, perhaps the two parties have reached an agreement but Jobs wanted to wait a few weeks before announcing it in order to gin up more free publicity for the iPhone after the current chatter has died down,” Zeiler reports.

Full article here.

Reuters also has a report saying that “France Telecom and Apple are struggling to come to an agreement on the distribution of the U.S. group’s iPhone in France,” here.


  1. @ No Squirt For You: “he French get their own iPhone button. It’s an icon of a pyramid with a glowing eye on top.
    Pressing it puts you on Spielberg’s list of extras for his next crappy film.”

    Have you not ever looked at the back of a one dollar bill? whose symbol is the pyramid and eye?

  2. Do you folks have to be so racist and self centered, it puts me of reading the comments.

    If you low life recists / nationalist were a bit more tolerant of others it would be far better world to live in.

    Grow up or fuck of down some hole where you belong. You give Mac users the world over a bad name

  3. I have a sense of humor, however racism does not feature in it. The comment that it (racism) is humor is simply a way of justifying and normalizing unacceptable views and opinions.

    By the way Mr Avenger, your obsession with spelling makes me think you are a teacher (no luck) or an inspector with the spelling police, which is equally sad, get a life ” width=”19″ height=”19″ alt=”grin” style=”border:0;” />


    oops did i spell that H incorrectly lol

  4. Seems that someone stoll my name … un Américain volant un Français ???? Naaaaaaaaaaaaan, je dois rêver, MDR

    HueyLong : My point was only this : if you want to be a racist asshole, do it in your own language. Making misspelling in a foreign language makes you sounds twice more stupid.

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