Enough already with the scaremongering over Apple’s iTunes Plus

“The arrival of iTunes Plus – DRM-free content from Apple’s iTunes Store – has triggered hysteria in some quarters,” Stephen Withers reports for iTWire.

“Certain commentators are getting over-excited about the way such tracks contain the purchaser’s name and iTunes Store account name. Do your homework, guys – that’s the case with ‘regular’ tracks as well,” Withers reports. “The difference is that it didn’t matter with FairPlay protected tracks, as there was no point in spreading copies around.”

“And as for references to Apple acting ‘secretly’ or ‘covertly’ – get real! The information is stored in plain text. If the company wanted to be covert, it would have been an easy task to encrypt the data before adding it to the music file,” Withers reports.

Full article here.

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “LinuxGuy and Mac Prodigal Son” for the heads up.]


  1. I was wondering when someone was going to point this out. I’ve known about the account info on the protected tracks all along. Many files are scrambled symbols when opened in a text editor, but many have readable characters.

  2. Come on, folks, if it really, really bugs you, you can just use grep (or even textEdit) to alter or remove your name from the header. If you do care about this, take note that your iTunes user name is also embedded in the header. I didn’t look closely, but there might be other identifying info contained in the headers as well…

  3. If your intentions is to use the music files you buy for “personal use,” there is nothing to complain about. And don’t say, “What if my laptop gets stolen?” If you computer is stolen, you have a lot more personal information issues to worry about on that laptop than your name and iTunes account number embedded on some music files.

  4. @yomomma:

    “It must a secret code way of stating that you are retarded. You know, the same way that stating that you’d vote for Dennis Kucinich would.”

    Agreed. Much like voting for George Bush.

  5. If you dont like it, then carry your ass and buy from someone else. Apple DOES NOT WANT YOUR BUSINESS, and better you just leave.
    No more hand holding and diaper changing to you cry babies.

  6. charlie;

    Seeing as How Bush and Kerry went to the same university… and seeing as how Bush had higher grades…
    I guess you’re inferring it’d be TWICE as retarded if anyone voted for Kerry?

  7. MW serious, as in, are you serious Yomamma? Does something as benign as a stupid magic word really get you all lathered up.

    If so, please find the nearest brick wall and run into it head first, fast.

  8. to Bob:

    I have a feeling you might be pulling your information from thin air (or some other orifice); Kerry and Bush had pretty much same scores at Yale; Kerry was much more busy in extra-curricular activities, though (the real ones, not the ‘wink-wink’ ones). Regardless, to all guys sparring over Bush/Kerry/Kucinich, please focus on Apple and related matters here.

  9. Bloody FSCKing Hell!!

    Why you don\’t see the trouble later on with watermarked tracks?

    For instance with DRMed tracks you couldn\’t share them without authorizing the reciepiants machine, limited authorizations to 5 machines and that\’s it.

    The person getting the tracks couldn\’t go behind your back and send them out over the p2p networks.

    Now with DRM free tracks with watermarking it\’s so much easier for the reciepiant to go behind your back and p2p your songs

    So basically what Apple has done here is turn YOU into a policeman. Now you can\’t share the music in your small network of 5 computer friends/relatives without giving them \”the lecture\” \”now don\’t give these songs to anyone else because they are watermarked with my info\”

    God forbid if you have a falling out with one of the people you shared these watermarked music files with.

    So Apple and the Labels know your going to think this way, so NOW YOUR LESS LIKELY TO SHARE MUSIC. The Labels win and force the others who normally get their music by sharing amongst friends to have to buy the music.

    Oh yes folks, you have been very cleverly played.

    And no, text editing or converting the format of the song WILL NOT CHANGE WATERMARKING IN AUDIO OR VIDEO. Even analog rips will carry the watermark! Unless you really significantly degrade it to worthlessness.

    Now Apple has been quietly slipping a very stringent DRM standard under your very noses. It\’s called EFI, which is a very powerful firmware level that acts like it\’s own OS between the hardware and any other software, including Mac OS X!

    Right now Apple leaves it blank, but later on as EFI becomes standard, developers and content makers can:




    Oh yes, EFI isn\’t even run by Apple. But by the UEFI group spun off by Intel.

    Ever hear of Trusted Computing? You better.

  10. “It must a secret code way of stating that you are retarded. You know, the same way that stating that you’d vote for Dennis Kucinich would.”

    it is almost like it is trying to communicate with us….

    and to the tinfoil hat wearing EFI nut….

    they are not watermarked. they have a nice plain text standard tag. many editors let you change these. i have changed all mine to read “this file shared by the paranoid fool who always posts about EFI on MDN”

    could EFI be used to make a locked down system? sure it could. but it hasn’t so far, and so far Apple has walked a fine line between treating creators and inventors fairly, and giving everyone else fair use.

    if you don’t like that they took the “buy one song 25 times” approach and threw it out the window to create “we trust you not act like a criminal, use your stuff your way” and pushed for reasonable use, then take your money elsewhere.

    Apple, so far at least, has a history of giving people a fair deal and expecting to get treated the same back. so no, i expect they will never make your paranoid EFI wetdreams into reality.

    Apple doesn’t even ask for simple reg codes when you install the OS. i could buy one copy and install it on all my machines. that is the reason i buy a family pack! MS on the other hand treats people like criminals (most music on ipods is stolen!) and that is why if i ever needed their damned OS i would pirate it!

    people tend to act the way you treat them.

    magic word (just for you bigdumbmomma!) is choice. as in i have made the choice to give my hard earned cash to a company that treats me like a person. if they stop, i stop. why invent paranoid dreams in the mean time?

  11. yomomma

    Enough with the f*cking Magic Words, people.

    Not been on the internet very long, have you? Every community develops it’s own traditions and customs. Working the magic Word into a post is ours.

    So fvck off.

    Magic Word: “twenty”, as in “I wish I had a twenty everytime someone betrayed their ignorance of how virtual communities mirror actual communities”.

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