U.S. News & World Report: Apple Macs are attractive, stable, secure, and more fun than Windows

Apple StoreFor PC users who don’t want to upgrade to Microsoft’s Windows Vista, U.S. News & World Report’s David LaGesse offers alternatives like sticking with Windows XP or trying Linux or the best alternative by far:

Buy a Macintosh: Apple’s computers are attractive, stable, and secure–and more fun than Windows. Macs can handle all of the Internet, audio, and video functions that most families need, though some games and other software are not available. While they appear more expensive than comparable PCs, Macs can be cheaper than a computer that’s properly outfitted to run Windows Vista. One more bonus: If you must, you can run Windows on your Mac with programs like Parallels.

Full article here.

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “Matson” for the heads up.]

MacDailyNews Take: Those that take LaGesse’s advice to buy a Macintosh will be very, very happy personal computer users.


  1. When the mass-market media starts saying “get a Mac,” the mass-market will at least consider getting a Mac. That’s all Apple needs, fair consideration as an alternative to the el-cheapo Windows Vista PC from Dell, HP, Gateway, etc. Once consideration is given, it’s obvious that many users actually buy at Mac. That’s the big difference. Before, most consumers were aware that Macs existed, but never considered it a viable choice. Now, they consider it and often buy it. What a difference…!

  2. @ yep & me:

    Perhaps when you find that you can use Macs properly, your grammer will improve as well.

    Is it any wonder PC’s have such a bad press!

    Individuals who work as IT consultants should not be allowed anywhere near computers until they are able to communicate with intelligence!!

  3. Hey Mr Crab why such the negative comments,

    It is rude, as far as you do not know me , or alos how much I work and What i Do , especially in field of IT and macs,

    Keep it cool, or go play on a PC with windows Vista and Warcraft and eat pizza,

    OK, Ta

  4. nsapap,

    Be patient dude (dudette?), it took me five years to get my sister to switch and she’s doing fine with her emac. Just keep at it and they may eventually come around.

    The way I did it was that every time my sister rang me up with her latest windows’ woe I kept telling her I couldn’t really help her unless she went over to macs and eventually she did the switch.

    I suggest you give a date to your family after which they have a choice: switch to macs and you’ll help them (tech assistance) or they stay with windows and they have to pay to fix the mal/spy/etc./ware on their computer(s). I guess you could call it the apple and the stick! Sorry bad pun.

  5. “History teaches us that men and nations behave wisely once they have exhausted all other alternatives.” ~ Abba Eban

    Now that people have discovered the problems with the alternatives, they are starting to behave wisely and switch to Macs.

    Sadly they need to make the mistakes for themselves, try and patch things up and eventually discover that it doesn’t have to be like that, but they get there in the end.

    Most of them only chose PCs by following the herd. Some of the herd leaders are now going in a different direction.

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