Die Welt: U.S President George Bush is ‘the Steve Jobs of World Politics’

“US President George W. Bush is safely back in America, but commentators continue to ponder the last leg of his European visit — his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin,” SPIEGEL ONLINE reports. “Specifically, they ask, who holds the real power? Is Bush kowtowing to Moscow or does Moscow have to kneel at the feet of the world’s only remaining superpower?”

“The conservative Die Welt comes up with the day’s oddest and most weirdly thought-out editorial in which the author manages to both compare Bush to Franklin D. Roosevelt and to crown him ‘the Steve Jobs of world politics.’ Essentially, the paper says, Bush wants to be a great reformer, both in terms of domestic and foreign politics. Domestically, he wants to revamp America to the same degree FDR did with his New Deal, only for Bush, the program might be called the ‘Ownership Society,’ the paper says. ‘The target is: We want to break with all losers, domestically that means the Roosevelt social state, internationally with all states that have anything to do with terror. The new plan involves marketing, surprises, big design overhauls.’ As such, says the paper, Bush is like the endlessly creative (and fabulously wealthy) founder of Apple Computer, Steve Jobs,” SPIEGEL ONLINE reports.

Full article here.

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The Mac is Bush to Windows’ Clinton – October 25, 2002


  1. Not every Mac owners are Bush haters. What is going on here? Although I’m not a political activist, I like President Bush and most of his policies. The way our political system works you can only have one extreme or the other. Over the long haul it averages out to where the country as a whole wants to go. We’ve had far too much of the democrates say on things during the last decade, and now Bush is just righting the ship to even keel. Hopefully when his presidency is over he’ll have our country pointed toward to republican views becuase the next president will probably be a democrate and will steer us back. It how our politics work, becuase there is nothing flashy enough out a person who will middle road to get them elected. Compromise is the only true political answer, but Joe six pack can’t be excited about a candidate that says he will meet people in the middle. It’s actually says alot about America.


  2. knobdesigner

    I’m European living in the UK and the majority of intelligent, high earning Europeans I come in to contact with admire Bush and his policies and the values of the majority of US Americans.

    You only reflect on yourself describing others as morons by the way.

  3. To bring this down a bit:
    “Die Welt” once was a respected newspaper, now it’s only a notch above the mass daily “Bild”. Like the entire Springer publishing house, they are so deep up in George Bush’s ass that they have lost sight of the world around them.
    To draw an analogy between both men is almost comical. G.B. could not persuade a man suffering from cholera to visit the john. All he did during his trip was to suck up to the various European politicians he had rubbed the wrong way in his first term, trying to convince them to throw a few Euros into the direction of Irak. Of course, Schroeder and Chirac were not an iota better, all of them trying to cover the shit with a thick icing. I could not eat as much as I wanted to puke.
    Am I anti-Bush? Not particularly. I guess I’m just anti-politician.

  4. Historian: “Bush is a genius politician. History will judge him so – I know, I’m one who will help to write it.”

    How right you are.


    Mac user who doesn’t agree with everything the current administration does but who thinks Bush is doing a damn fine job

  5. –Over the long haul it averages out to where the country as a whole wants to go.

    I believed this up until the point that we went to war with a tiny country in the middle of nowhere. That, more than anything else, will define his tenure over the country.

    Oh, and I agree with bob. On the surface (without looking at the comparative personal abilities of the two) they do tend towards the same results if you take a narrow look.

  6. Historian: “Bush is a genius politician. History will judge him so – I know, I’m one who will help to write it.”

    Partisan screeds barely get noticed as “History”. ” width=”19″ height=”19″ alt=”smile” style=”border:0;” /> If you’re already willing to change the story to suit your view, then it’s not so much “history” as it is storytelling, so be sure to tell a GOOD one!

    Magic word, hope as in I HOPE whoever the next guy is sees his legacy as bringing the country back together instead of grabbing for 51%

  7. Lipstick on a Pig! Name one wildly successful Bush initiative? This comparison lacks supporting facts! Boldness without a dedication to truth is blind arrogance. Bush’s credo appears to be ‘results justify the means’. He is never wrong and therefore doesn’t’ need to read, doesn’t require feedback and sees every set back and confirmation of his orginal decision. Job’s on the other hand is focused on changing the computer world by attraction and is constantly adjusting course based on feedback. Anyone who says this is a valid comparison is being intellectually dishonest which is one of the hallmarks of the Bush administration… Lie often, lie big and lie well… This is how Bush will be remembered by history.

  8. George Bush is the best US President and world leader of all time! You Eurotrash just don’t give up. You’d rather curl up in the fetal position and let the terrorists, fascist, commie, criminals, take you over and wipe you out. It will never happen with your protector (US) around. You cry babies make me sick. Get over it, the US kicks your little, pathetic, asses in everything. And yes I’ve traveled all over Europe and beyond. It is fun to travel abroad to the US protected safe countries but your brains are poisened!

  9. If you really want to compare a politician to Steve Jobs, try Churchill. Astonishing early success, sacked, wilderness years, triumphant return to the helm of a beleaguered country/company, a few reverses and then – hey – he beat the evil empire in the end.

    At which point he was sacked. Again.

  10. I’ve met Jobs and the smirker in chief is no Steve Jobs.

    To all you war criminal supporters, you will be lined up against the wall along with the rest of the criminal enterprise occupying the white house.

  11. Bush is smart, like a fox. Like Colombo. He makes people think he’s stupid and then he outfoxes them and turns the country updside down. Take medicare away from the poor, take a healthy environment away from everyone, take science away from scientists and gives it to marketers of drugs and voodoo science (creationism), takes away freedom, where does the list end?

    When he’s out of office and we have to spend trillions to repair the damage – if it can be repaired.

  12. Steve Jobs makes money. GWB spends far more money than he makes. Apple has billions in the bank. The White House is putting the U.S. trillions into the red.


    People, it’s not rocket science*!

    *= magic you-know-what

  13. Steve Jobs isn’t perfect, after all , he can’t walk on water for one thing.

    Similarly, Bush isn’t a complete idiot either, after all, he did get elected for US President, twice, which is more than we can say for all the Democratic contenders who couldn’t win the nomination or the Presidential election.

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