President Bush, candidate Kerry promote plans for expanding technology innovation

“President George W. Bush said the government must encourage innovation to keep the economy strong as his Democratic challenger, Senator John Kerry, called for incentives to help spur high-technology investments,” Bloomberg reports.

“Bush, 57, and Kerry, 60, struck the same themes at events at opposite ends of the U.S. in which they highlighted proposals for encouraging development of new technologies and spreading broadband Internet access as a way to add jobs in the future and cut costs for both the government and families,” Bloomberg reports.

“‘Our economy is strong today,’ Bush said after he took part in demonstrations of broadband and wireless technologies at the Commerce Department in Washington. ‘The fundamental question is, What are we going to do to make sure we stay strong?’ At San Jose State University in California, Kerry said the government can help ‘create a business environment that will strengthen the American economy and fuel the creation of high technology jobs,'” Bloomberg reports.

“Surveys by the Pew Research Center, the Gallup Organization and other pollsters show the economy is the top single issue for voters less than five months before the election. U.S. companies have added 1.2 million jobs this year, though the nation still has a net loss of about 1.2 million positions since Bush took office and the economy fell into a recession,” Bloomberg reports. “Bush has set a goal of creating universal, affordable high- speed Internet service in three years and electronic access to medical records. That, Bush said, would cut medical costs and help small businesses. He called on Congress to reinstate a ban on state taxes on Internet access.”

“‘We’ve got to make sure broadband access is affordable,” Bush said. ‘If the goal is to spread broadband it doesn’t make sense to tax it.’ Bush’s budget proposal for the fiscal year beginning Oct. 1 would include $2 billion in research funding for the broadband initiative. His overall budget would put federal technology research and development funding at $132 billion, compared with $91 billion in the 2001 fiscal year, according to the White House,” Bloomberg reports.

Full article here.


  1. Here we go again. Liberals and foreigners name calling and wishing ill harm to the US president. You people are sick. Sara why don’t you go for a swim off the great barrier reef around feeding time you slut!!!!! The world and this site would be better off!

  2. Won’t get into the political arguments today. It’s Friday and I’m ready for a break. I will say that, with taxes & other costs, my cable modem costs me about $46 US per month. That’s really quite high, IMHO. Once infrastructure is in (which it has been for years), this cost should be about $20. This is espeically true since my ISP is using the infrastructure that was built in large part by governmental funding.

  3. those 400,000 homes should start working harder instead of waiting around for hand outs. welfare breeds more welfare. why work when you sit around all day, do drugs, rob stores and people, and take advantage of the hard working in our society? just vote in a democrat for more free treats. they’ll just raise the taxes of the hard working to pay for it.

  4. Vlad:

    I’ve looked through all of this thread and I can’t see anyone ‘wishing ill harm’ to the man who claims to be US President. Although Sara does say she’d watch the news if it had GWB falling off another Segway, she doesn’t say she’d actually run down the batteries to make it happen.

    I’ve got to hand it to Republicans: always wanting civility, but always the first ones to drag the conversation down. Still, with a Vice-President who’s willing to abuse his opponents, is this really a surprise?

    I await the cultured and informed responses of Jay and his hordes of rednecks.

  5. mthfker,

    Let me start off with up yours tool! All previous political MDN stories have scores of liberal, left wing, nut cases wishing all kinds of bad things against George Bush, US President. You know it. I’m not going to go back and prove it to you, you know where to go. You liberals hate the fact that Bush is doing an excellent job. He confronting these disgusting sub human low life terrorist slime on their land. Their coming after the US and Europe and everywhere that’s not like them no matter what we do. We have to wipe them out at all costs. Their own so called moderate population won’t do it. So we’ll do it for them. Instead of bashing Bush and Republicans, you tools should be bashing the low life terrorists and all of their atrocities. What about the torturing, killing, maming, and worse that Saddam personally did daily. You left wing nuts never, ever, bother to talk about that. The world will be a better place unfortunately it will take some ugly moments like now to get there. Don’t talk about the corrupt UN either. They are a joke just like you!

  6. Chandler:

    What unbelieveable arrogance – how do you know that these people don’t work hard in their own lives? If you live in a depressed part of West Virginia, Arkansas, or Tennessee, I don’t think ‘working harder’ is going to make the local electricity generator or water company pay for the pipes and the electricity cables.

    You’re a demonstration of the kind of ‘me first’ social conservativism that ruined my country (the UK) in the Eighties. Ugly, greedy, and self-centred – your theory is that if the parents can’t afford to pay for electricity and water, the kids deserve to be cold, unlit and at risk from infection.

    Sorry, have to go now – you’ve made my skin crawl.

  7. I actually read the article. Kerry has some very good ideas for accomplishing the stated goal. Bush’s idea sounds wasteful. Hopefully when Bush wins he will remember the Kerry ideas.

    Jack A, silly clip, obviously edited to highlight unrelated answers to the questions, a la Mike Moore. Have a Kirin and try again, you can do better.

  8. And here comes the rabid rantings of Jay Rice, the unacceptable face of Republicanism with the priceless logic�

    “If you say one word against GWB, you obviously love terrorists”
    “Republicans love free speech and democracy – unless you’re saying something about GWB or any other ranking member of the Establishment, in which case we reserve the right to abuse you”
    “We’re at war and we should all be behind our forces; GWB is commander-in-chief and is therefore a soldier; therefore you can’t say anything bad about GWB”

    I actually admire Jay. After all, it’s a brave decision to try and live a normal life in society when you’ve obviously suffered such horrendous brain damage.

  9. The Less is More Paradox

    The speed of enlightenment is directly proportional to the subject’s level of intelligence.

    Enlightenment: awareness, broad-mindedness, civilization, comprehension, cultivation, culture, edification, education, information, insight, instruction, knowledge, learning, literacy, open-mindedness, refinement, sophistication, teaching, understanding, wisdom

    Unenlightenment: self-awareness of enlightenment

  10. mtherfker, I don’t admire you. I love how you make up your own quotes that you say I said. Like you copied and pasted them from other posts you little pussy. Why don’t you hop on a plane and go try and reason with these lunatics, for all I know you’ve got a mask over your head and are one them typing your ridiculous posts. you just don’t get it. You’ve obviously been picked on in your life you little pencil necked geek.

  11. how do you know these people are hard working. where I live I see perfectly healthy individuals hanging out in the park, others dealing drugs, others running around with guns, others doing drugs, all while living in the projects on welfare. Every American worker I’ve ever had work for me in my construction company has faked an injury two weeks into employment and then collected unemployment. While nothing was really wrong with them. Working for cash doing heavy lifting for someone else. We caught a good number of them with private detectives. The insurance companies have caught others. Then theres the brazilian that hurts himself playing soccer the night before forces himself not to limp into the office in the morning, gets out on the job sight and claims he hurt himself on the job so he can fraudulently collect workman’s compensation and cost his employer hundreds of thousands of dollars in insurance costs. this crap happens daily. All the low lifes that get away with it vote democrat so they will be even more unfairly protected. It has swayed way to far away from small business and employers to the employees side. The employer doesn’t have a chance. Low life left wingers like you make this happen. No body forced anyone to live in Arkansas. And if they are going to live there maybe they should use their brains and come up with a way to support themselves instead of looking for handouts from every liberal!!!!!!

  12. It seems like the political conversations always turn to name calling. I’d guess a lot of folks who post here must work on Capital Hill? Stick to the contents of the article and you’ll not only demonstrate your ability to act in a civil manner, you’ll demonstrate that you’re smart enough to read.

  13. Dubya is my love-daddy. We sometimes share the same pillow case at the KKK rallys. The only difference is that Dubya had a partial lobotomy and I had the full deal.

    Later, someone is going to post using my name, Jay Rice, and say that this is not from me. Don’t believe him. You’ve been forewarned.

  14. Chandler: And how do you know that they’re not in the context of their own lives. I’m not saying that there is no such thing as a freeloader, merely that it doesn’t help the argument when you equate being poor with being lazy.

    If you’re at the other end of the spectrum, you could use the example of Kenneth Lay or his ilk to state “Rich = Greedy and Unprincipled”, but life isn’t that simple either, because there are thousands of business owners and managers who would never dream of bilking their employees out of billions of dollars.

    Republicanism (or social conservativism) should never equate the need to build an equitable society with some people’s desire for a free lunch, any more than Democratic (socially liberal) politics should equate the need to build a progressive society with the desire to supress the aspirations of entrepreneurs that build a successful economy.

  15. Joe, I don’t think those clips were edited with people’s answered put to different questions. I think Americans are just that stupid.

    As to your Michael Moore comment, you say that because you don’t like what he says, not because you have info that he does that. He does not.

    My favorite is a clip of Bush addressing his audience. “I’m here with the haves and the have-mores, or what I like to call my base.” That says it all right there. Any of you that make less than $1million per year and are supporting Bush are the biggest dupes of all.

  16. Jay, don’t be such a pussy: you may not have said those exact words, but you have expressed those sentiments, and everyone here knows it.

    By the way, nice job on the grammar and spelling – those therapy classes are really working out for you!


    I am NOT gay, and you are just a punk! I don’t have dreams about our soldiers taking off their clothes, and on top of that, you are a cocksucker! Go eat yourself you liberal homo…

  18. my fast response to you and grammar are a result of exactly how much I give a sht about you or crazy thoughts. Mac Manager you are a sick individual! Go fk yourself you M Moore wanabe. Your’ grammar and spelling has not always been perfect in all of your posts either pussy boy.

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