Coke music site bombs bigtime; launch plagued by ‘technical problems’

“A music download site launched by Coca-Cola was shut down for much of its first two days due to problems. The My Coke Music site is called ‘the first consumer branded, legitimate downloadable music site,’ but was offline much of Monday and Tuesday,” BBC News reports. “Coke is hoping to cash in on the recent growth in online music services, which have been spearheaded by [Apple’s] iTunes.”

“The website said it was being ‘uploaded with the latest music’ and told users to return at 1600 GMT. A Coca-Cola spokeswoman told the Guardian news paper: ‘We have been experiencing some minor technical problems. People who have entered their details will be emailed a link to the site as soon as it goes live,’ she said,” BBC News reports.

Full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Upfront, you should know that MDN officially and without remuneration endorses Diet Coke (we have learned to enjoy the taste of Aspartame mixed perfectly with Caffeine), but will switch to Diet Pepsi (yuck) for the duration of Apple’s iTunes Giveaway. As for Coke’s “minor technical problems” which resulted in the site not being active and open for business, we’d like to know their definition of “major techinal problems.” Not a good launch.


  1. Major Technical Problem=Microsoft
    Will MDN ever learn?
    What other sceletons does MDN have in their closet? Diet Coke.. Do you secretely endorse something else like Linux? Don’t tell me that you are heteroes?! =)

  2. I just looked up what they were running here’s the response I got for the “” : The site is running unknown on Windows 2000.

    “unknown”?? Hunh….must have crashed and burned BIG TIME!

    Cause: Microsoft product as always….or the programmers. I think its the former.

  3. The middleman that ripped their music for the site allegedly cut it with baby powder. The guy administrating their servers opened a Bagle and infected their (Access-based) server software. They found their java programmer drinking Jolt and fired him.

  4. I only drink Jolt!

    “All the sugar and twice the caffeine!”

    I wonder if press about the Pepsi promotion will note how Coke suffered from not partnering with Apple? (Which they could not have done in Europe… just yet!)

  5. Ahhh… Am I hearing “We told you so” and “They deserve it” from non-Windows users? When will people learn that when you cannot rely on Windows?

    “Does Coke want to sell sugar water or change the world?” – NoPCZone

    I’d guess Coke want to sell sugar water, if they wanted to change the world, they’d not serve only Windows users and use linux/Unix/OS X for their servers. Oh, and no WMA!

  6. I just tried their site. . . A big red screen with a headphone-wearing computer that informs you, “click here to enter.” I do, and a flash animation window pops up. You can watch or skip intro. When the lousy music and stupid animation stop, you can “click here to enter.” Do that, or skip intro, and you’re taken back to the big red screen again. It’s an endless cycle. Coke, you sure gave me a smile.

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