IDC: Apple Macintosh market share under 2% worldwide; under 3% in United States for 2003

“Worldwide, HP achieved a market share of 16.9 percent in the fourth quarter, up 21.7 percent from its market share of 16 percent in the fourth quarter a year ago, according to IDC,” Michael Kanellos reports for CNET “Dell, meanwhile, achieved a worldwide market share in the fourth quarter of 16.3 percent, up 19.7 percent from its market share of 15.6 percent a year ago. Overall, the market grew 15.2 percent, according to IDC. HP and Dell have traded off the lead a number of times since HP completed its merger with Compaq in spring 2002.”

“For the year, though, Dell remained No. 1, hitting a worldwide market share of 16.9 percent, up 25 percent from the overall figure of 2002 of 15.1 percent. HP’s annual market share came in a 16.4 percent worldwide, up 14.5 percent from its share of 16 percent for 2002 as a whole,” Kanellos reports. “In the United States, Dell stayed on top with a 30.2 percent market share for the fourth quarter and a 30.9 percent for the year. HP came in with 21.7 percent share for the quarter and a 20.6 percent for the year in the United States.”

“Third place IBM, meanwhile, which caters almost exclusively to business customers, saw its market share worldwide grow to 6 percent in the fourth quarter of 2003, up 17.7 percent from the fourth quarter of 2002. IBM was also third in the U.S,” Kanellos reports. “Other companies with notable results include eMachines, which jumped into the top five manufacturers in the United States, according to Kay, passing both Gateway and Apple Computer. Toshiba, meanwhile, was in the top five in the United States and worldwide because of notebook sales.”

Kanellos reports, “By contrast, Gateway saw its market share shrink in the fourth quarter, Smulders said. Apple also saw its market share stay below the 2 percent mark worldwide in 2003 and below the 3 percent mark in the United States for the year, Smulders said.”

Full article here.


  1. “eMachines, which jumped into the top five manufacturers in the United States, according to Kay, passing both Gateway and Apple Computer”

    This makes feel ill. I don’t believe so many people buy that trash! :gag:


  2. At least it’s nice to have Apple compared to other computer makes for a change, instead of being compared to software maker (ie Microsoft). E-machines in the top 5 just goes to show that there is a very large portion of Microsoft’s 95% that Apple shouldn’t want.

  3. eMachines. It just proves the “Good Enough” theory. For most people eMachines is “Good Enough.” For most people there is no difference in Macs and eMachines except that eMachines are much cheaper. Everything is like this though. Most people don’t buy BMWs or Mercedes. Most people are just fine with a Buick or Honda Civic.

  4. My eMachines wasn’t “good enough.” It died twice during warranty and getting it repaired was a headache beyond anything you could imagine.

    Then it died again right after the warranty ended.

    I fixed it myself… and it doesn’t matter since I switched to Virtual PC on a PowerBook (solely for doing testing for my Windows clients) and never looked back.

    </emachines rant>

    As for Apple’s market share–they’re making great products for ME which is the main thing I care about. Everyone else… will take some time. As in years.

  5. And I should add that I couldn’t totally fix it.. my eMachines still must be turned off by pulling the plug. And it’s hardware, not software: it shuts down Windows just fine, but if I don’t pull the plug it starts up again.

    I just bought a $2500 PowerBook… but it’s the sub-$1000 eMachines that was overpriced. If I ever had to buy a Wintel machine again, I wouldn’t buy cheap. It’s Russian roulette, and I lost one time too many.

  6. Hmmm. Apple, in a conference call scrutinized by the SEC, says that CPU sales are up 12%. IDC (whoever they are) says Apple market share is in the dumper. I wonder who I should believe?

    Also, the main thrust of the article seemed to be that the big boys chopped prices to achieve the results they did. Apple, however, saw their margin plummet from 27.6% to 26.7%.


  7. This is hilarious drivel. So what. Apple sold 830,000 Macs in one quarter. That’s pretty frickin’ sweet to me, so whatever the Wintel box assemblers are doing doesn’t really affect me at all. Let them eat cake.

  8. It didn’t mention that Apple had one of the best profit margin … if you look at Dell, HP and eMachine there profit margin is below 10%. Keep your market share but hope that less than 10% is going to float the boat.

  9. Surely Apple could do with more switchers. I hope Apple Store employees are listening closely to potential switchers to find out more about what they’re really looking for in a computer.

  10. People should compare Apples Market share to that off companies like Gateway,HP and Dell. The fight for supremisy over Microsoft Windows was long lost, Compared to Gateway Apple is doing great. I think they are even infront on sales.

  11. OK, here’s what I don’t get:

    “Worldwide, HP achieved a market share of 16.9 percent in the fourth quarter, up 21.7 percent from its market share of 16 percent in the fourth quarter a year ago, according to IDC,” Michael Kanellos reports for CNET

    Their market share isn’t up 21.7%. That’s (I assume) their number of units sold. Their market share was only up 6%. (Apple’s market share decreased; their number of computers sold was only up 12%, although they shipped an ungodly number of iPods, which counts, but not in this metric.)

    Apple is healthy. The Wintel PC companies (Dell excepted) are not. Who gives a shit about market share?

  12. Is my math wrong?!
    All of the figures seem to be wrong.
    For example…

    “Worldwide, HP achieved a market share of 16.9 percent in the fourth quarter, up 21.7 percent from its market share of 16 percent in the fourth quarter a year ago, according to IDC,”

    (16.9-16.0)/16.0 = 0.05625 = 5.625% NOT 21.7%!

    “Dell, meanwhile, achieved a worldwide market share in the fourth quarter of 16.3 percent, up 19.7 percent from its market share of 15.6 percent a year ago.”

    (16.3-15.6)/15.6 = 0.04487 = 4.4487% NOT 19.7%!

    What am I doing wrong in calculating the percent of change?

  13. Aryugaetu,
    I think we figured out last week that most “analysts” were sick the day they taught percentages in grade school. I just wonder why their bosses continue to pay them. Maybe the economy is just in much better shape than anyone knows – even people like this can get jobs.

  14. Aryugaetu,

    It’s because the market is always increasing, you need the actual sales figures from the quarters mentioned.

    16% of last years market share is not the same as 16% of this years obviously.

  15. sailfish:
    share is share, i.e. percentage. If share increases or decreases is regardless of how much 100% represents. If I owned 15% of AAPL it would make me a 15% shareholder, regardless of whether one share is $14 or $24.
    If their sales were up 16.9%, that’s quite another thing. But then, Apple’s sales were up even more.

  16. Sailfish,
    Then, it’s not the marketshare that is up by that amount, it’s the units of the computers shipped out. By talking about marketshare, the units shipped by a company is normalized by the units sold by everybody.

    While the “analysts” were sick, the bosses partied out the night before.

  17. Sailfish, they didn’t mention anything about a 21.7% increase in sales revenue or a 21.7% increase in units sold bringing their market share from 16.0% to 16.9%. A percentage of the market is exactly that. This year’s 16% is the same fraction of the TOTAL pie as 16% of last years whole pie.

    Personally, I believe it is wrong (as well as confusing) to calculate the percent change of a percentage. Simply stating that their market share went from 16.0% to 16.9% is enough information for anyone. Otherwise you confuse the reader by saying that a change from 60.0% to 16.9% is a change of 5%, when most people would think that going from 6.0% to 6.9% is a change of 0.9%. Perhaps we need a new language to state that it changed 0.9% or 5%% (percent-percent). [Am I the only one with a flashback to the classroom scene in “Willy Wonka”?]

    As for the “21.7%”, any 5th grade student will tell you that a percentage needs a unit for the whole, as in 21.7% OF REVENUE or 21.7% OF SALES. “21.7%” of what?! These are PAID professionals? Where do I get that job?!

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