Safari timing out too soon? SafariNoTimeout lets you adjust timeout value

Safari, the free web browser for Mac OS X from Apple, has a very short request timeout compared to some other browsers, just 60 seconds. Some database-driven report pages and others fail to load because of that timeout. Unsanity’s “SafariNoTimeout” is a haxie that allows you to change the connection request timeout in Safari to a different value; by default it sets it to 600 seconds (10 minutes).

Generally, you don’t have to do anything once SafariNoTimeout is installed. Make sure you quit and start Safari again for the first time to begin using it.

If you would like to change the timeout value from the default (600 seconds), you can do so by entering the following command in Terminal and restarting Safari:

defaults write com.unsanity.snt Timeout 300

where “300” is the new timeout in seconds.

More info and download link here.

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