Smooth out Mac OS X; remove Aqua’s annoying stripes

Max Rudberg has done it again! Our Macs all still use Max’s “Brushed Aqua,” but now there’s “SmoothStripes Gloss 2.1,” which looks like a winner to us; we might have to switch. Smoother-looking than pure Aqua, it changes the Mac OS X appearance to a smoother, glossy look without stripes. Use Duality, here, to install one of Max’s themes. Info and download links here.

All of Max Rudberg’s themes are here.


  1. Apples pin stripes are a novelty at first, but they soon started to wear pretty thin on me in the finder, and became worse when you are constantly surrounded by pallettes within your apps.
    Installing Maxs Smoothstripes theme has completly cleaned up the Aqua interface, making the UI far easier on my eyes.
    Max – if you read this – I hope you major in GUI design. Apple could sure use your help. To anyone else – go get ‘Smoothstripes’.

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