Apple says treats all app developers equally as Dutch open probe

“Apple, already the subject of EU antitrust scrutiny, on Thursday became the target of a Dutch investigation for allegedly favoring its own apps on its popular App Store,” Reuters reports.

“The investigation was triggered by Dutch apps for news media which provided indications of possible anti-competitive behavior by the iPhone maker during the agency’s study into app stores, ACM said,” Reuters reports. “‘ACM will investigate, among other aspects, whether Apple acted in violation of the prohibition of abuse of dominance, for example, by giving preferential treatment to its own apps,’ the Dutch enforcer said in a statement. The investigation will also look into Apple’s requirement that app developers use its payment systems for in-app purchases and pay a 30 percent fee in the first year, and also difficulties app developers face in using all functionalities of an iPhone.”

“Apple said it treats all app developers equally,” Reuters reports. “‘We are confident (ACM’s) review will confirm all developers have an equal opportunity to succeed in the App Store,’ the company said in a statement.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Again, any supermarket we’ve ever been in, gives preferential treatment to its own branded products that almost always undercut the pricing of similar products. If customers don’t like Apple’s App Store, they are not forced to continue shopping there, they can choose another smartphone brand.

EU regulators say Dutch Apple probe complements their own investigation – April 11, 2019
Dutch antitrust regulator investigating charges of abuse by Apple in its App Store – April 11, 2019


    1. Bigots (Trump for example) do not treat minorities equally. They establish hierarchical models with themselves and people like themselves on top. They go through ridiculous displays of twisted logic, partial facts extrapolation, and bald faced lies, smoke and mirrors, etc to justify why all people are not created equal, cannot be given equal opportunities, and should not be treated with equal dignity.

      Don’t believe it? The bigotry is even more deep seated than any belief in democracy or freedom or security. See how Trump speaks of Scandinavian socialists and Arabian dictators versus capitalists of any darker skin tone. In Trump speak, a Russian who illegally works in the USA on a tourist visa is a “wife” whereas an abused Honduran woman who legally asks for refugee protection is called an “invader”.

      One wonders what special words Joseph and Mary had for all the Trumpian innkeepers who refused them any Christian charity. Ironic how evangelists today support a bigot who espouses the inverse of everything about the god they worship.

  1. Any bets on the EU/Dutch bringing up Uber being allowed to use iOS APIs for their App that no other 3rd party developers were allowed to use? I’ll take Apple’s statement of fair treatment with a grain of salt.

  2. “If customers don’t like Apple’s App Store, they are not forced to continue shopping there, they can choose another smartphone brand.”

    If Apple doesn’t like a country’s laws, they are not forced to continue operating there.

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