How to turn off Apple’s iPhone throttling in iOS 11.3

“Apple’s iOS 11.3 Beta has added the ability for you to disable a feature that throttles your iPhone’s performance whenever you’re experiencing some battery problems,” Don Reisinger writes for Tom’s Guide. “Of course, Apple recommends you don’t turn it off, but if you really want to do it, here’s how.”

1. Go to your iPhone’s Settings app.

2. Scroll down to Battery. Tap that to enter the Battery settings.

3. Here, you’ll see a new option for “Battery Health.” Tap on it.

4. Inside battery health, you’ll learn all about your battery performance and how things are going. If everything looks good, Apple will display that your battery’s “Maximum Capacity” is still at 100 percent. Under that, you’ll also see an option called “Peak Performance Capability” that will tell you that “your battery is currently supporting normal peak performance.”

Reisinger writes, “At the end of the message under Peak Performance Capability, you’ll see an option that says ‘Disable…’ Tap that.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Note: Of course, if you battery is degraded enough, you’ll experience an unexpected shutdown, which will turn throttling back on and you’ll get a recommendation to replace your chemically aged battery.

All in all, it’s pretty much how we wanted it to work:

Apple should provide a toggle switch in Settings where users specify if they’d like to keep running at high processor speeds even if it means rapid shutdowns or if they’d like to run at lower processors speeds to accommodate an aging battery that requires replacement.MacDailyNews, December 27, 2017

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  1. Why would one do that? The phone will shut down suddenly at 30 percent or so if you don’t keep that on. I’d rather get a chance to keep doing what I need done and then plug it in, instead of a sudden shut down.

  2. For those of you who absolutely, unequivocally do NOT want any possible throttling, not even a little, and need full clock speed, damn the torpedoes, so to speak, there is a price to pay and it is unexpected shutdowns when battery still holds charge. This used to happen to me quite a lot in the wintertime, when the phone gets cold. Battery still as 65%, I open some app with heavy demand on CPU/GPU (Skype, FaceTime, YouTube) and the phone just crashes. I try to power it up, it refuses, saying the battery is depleted.

    There is a work-around with this, and it allows me to reanimate the phone. When it crashes and refuses to power up, I put the phone in my shirt pocket (inside my winter jacket), facing outside, so that its battery is as close to my body as possible, so that it warms up. I leave it there for about five minutes, after which time it should be close to my body temperature. Then I do a cold boot (on phones with home button, hold power + home until Apple logo appears). The phone boots and battery shows original remaining charge.

    Mind you, the phone will crash again if you try the same thing after holding it outside in freezing temperature for a while. The underlying reason for the crash (old battery, cold weather, excessive demand for power) hasn’t changed, so you can’t expect behaviour to change. That is, unless you turn back on the throttling.

    1. Certain types of battery chemistry lose capacity at low temperatures, sometimes to an alarming extent.

      I use my portable sound mixer with external batteries and when I found myself working in very low temperatures ( about -20 deg C ), the rechargeable batteries which I normally use were lasting for about a third of the time they usually would. For the next block of that engagement I switched to a different type of battery with a vastly superior low temperature performance and was able to go for a long working day without needing to swap to a fresh battery.

      Obviously with an iPhone there is no way to swap the battery for a different type, but in very cold conditions, I keep a small external battery power supply in my pocket so that it will keep my iPhone going, even if the internal battery won’t.

      In cold climates, I’ve always tried when possible to keep anything battery operated and any spare batteries in pockets close to my skin so that they benefit from my body heat.

      1. Anyone know of some kind of heat protection case for the iPhone?
        I’ve found it REALLY annoying this year trying to take photos outside with my iPhone. I get a handful photos snapped for a minute or two and then my iPhone shuts down.
        A case that provides more insulation and perhaps even a gentle heat source would be very helpful.

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