This is the brand new App Store for iPhone coming in September

“Apple will launch a brand new app store with iOS 11 in September,” Todd Haselton reports for CNBC.

“The new store will have small articles about new apps, interviews with developers, lists of apps that might be popular during a certain season (like back to school) and more,” Haselton reports. “There’s always a “Today” story, and you can scroll down through the last week of ‘cards,’ or stories about apps.”

“Apple has a whole staff of writers and editors creating this content for the new app store, in hope that people will find new apps or discover developers they like,” Haselton reports. “Apple told CNBC this is the biggest update to the app store since it launched with just around 500 apps. Today there are millions of apps to choose from, so it decided to work with editors, writers and curators to help highlight high-quality ones that might have been buried.”

This story is titled "Get Ready for the Big Fight" (photo: Todd Haselton | CNBC)
This story is titled “Get Ready for the Big Fight” (photo: Todd Haselton | CNBC)

Read more and see more photos in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: The new App Store seems to be more immersive, leading to users to explore it more, which is a good thing for developers and, therefore, iOS users alike.

Apple unveils all-new App Store – June 5, 2017


  1. So now my app buying experience will also be a bad MTV knockoff? I’m sorry, just my personal preference, but I need efficiency, not to be ‘entertained’ while I’m looking for apps. Doesn’t exactly support the notion that iOS is a serious tool, either. I am about done with this generation of adult babies. Does it come with new emoji, too?

  2. So how about a set of user defined filters to eliminate:
    1- Ad supported apps
    2- Subscription based apps

    My preference is to buy an app, own it and never see an ad. I hate software as a service with few exceptions.

    Discovery on the App Store is a hot mess.

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