Why CIO’s must understand Apple’s Neural Engine plan

“One day, soon, your Apple iPhone will be able to figure out when you’re going to get sick, will book itself in for servicing when faults develop, will let you know if it picks up a virus, and will be able to figure out if the person you are sharing data with is authorized to see that information,” Jonny Evans writes for Computerworld. “CIOs should begin to think about how this level of machine intelligence may impact their business.”

“Apple is allegedly developing a Neural Engine chip, which will be dedicated to performing artificial intelligence (AI) computation on mobile devices,” Evans writes. “That’s important because at the moment much local AI processing demands data be sent to cloud-based services for analysis, this slows down the process and poses a security and privacy risk.”

“The ability to handle native AI processing on the device (part of what motivated the Tuplejump acquisition) opens up huge opportunity in next-generation enterprise tech – from software defined networking to neuromorphic hardware with deep-learning algorithms baked deep inside the device,” Evans writes. “I think Apple understands that gathering such information while preserving privacy can only really work at device level.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Apple has smartly staked out its position as the far-and-away leader in privacy (with a nice publicity assist from ex-FBI chief Comey & Co.) Now, it begins to really pay off.

Apple is working on ‘Apple Neural Engine,’ a dedicated chip to power AI directly on devices – May 27, 2017


  1. I’ll be glad to have the simple commands I give Siri now work without an internet connection. A “neural engine” sounds sexy, but give us rock-solid, basic functionality without an internet connection before trying to sell us on what’s still all hype.

    1. You sure don’t think the same as Wall Street. All Wall Street ever talks about is infallibility of cloud computing. They believe every company is going to dump their local processing so they can do everything in the cloud. Why else do you think AWS is considered the be all and end all for corporations? I’m sure it’s truly believed no one will ever be disconnected from the internet because the connecting infrastructure will never fail. Except it can and every connected device depending upon it will be rendered useless.

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