Apple outspent Google in acquisitions in 2013

“Apple is quietly investing far more money to acquire talent, technology and production capacity than the market appears to realize, having liberally outspent even Google over the past year,” Daniel Eran Dilger reports for AppleInsider.

“While the identity of a significant number of Apple’s acquisitions remains intentionally shrouded in mystery, the dollar figure of Apple’s acquisition investments is publicly accounted in the company’s financial statements,” Dilger reports. “In total, over the past five quarters Apple has officially reported total acquisition investments of $11.12 billion, in addition to the $1.02 billion in cash ‘business acquisition’ payments. Quite clearly, Apple is secretly buying up far more assets in talent, technology and production capacity than the tech and business media are acknowledging (or are perhaps aware of), even though this data is public available.”

Read more in the full article here.


  1. Really, “… are perhaps aware of …”. They are not looking and will not look until Apple starts sending money their way. If anyone had anything positive to report about Apple, Samsung and the others would scream that they are pulling their advertising dollars if that idiot isn’t fired today!!!

  2. Why would any reporter in the mainstream business press (or financial analyst for that matter) bother reading Apple’s SEC filings? That would actually take some work and initiative on their part.

    They don’t seem to realize that this is part of their job.

  3. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. This is great. Amazing what the truth reads like.

    For all the dullards who have bashing Apple for not investing and making acquisitions.


  4. google bought Motorola Mobility for $12.5 billion. Eighteen months later sold it for $2.91 billion.

    It’s the kind of thing you’d probably do if you were engaged in money laundering or perhaps running a ponzi scheme. I’m honestly not seeing why anyone would want to invest their life savings in a company that behaves like this.

    1. To be fair, Google did not sell *all* of Motorola Mobility. Google kept the MM advanced development group and around 5000 patents. Was that worth $9B…?

      Major acquisitions nearly always turn out poorly – AOL, MM, Skype, etc. History strongly favors Apple’s approach of targeted, strategic acquisitions.

      1. None of the patents have proved viable for use in any courtroom. It was a 10 billion dollar dud plus another 2.3 billion accrued in losses during those 18 months

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