Jony Ive’s photo blinks off and on at, panic ensues

“Fans of Apple and anyone following the stock had a moment of surprise early on Monday morning,” Dan Ritter reports for Wall St. Cheat Sheet. “For a short period, the executive profile for Senior Vice President of Design Jonathan Ive disappeared from Apple’s press website, prompting a surge of speculation that Ive had either quit or been fired.”

“Ive’s profile has since been reinstated, and AppleInsider noted early on that the landing page for his profile had never been taken down, just its thumbnail on the executive team page,” Ritter reports. “Apple’s public relations team has confirmed that the company was updating its executive profiles page when Ive’s profile disappeared.”

“So the disappearance was a false alarm, but the media’s knee-jerk reaction wasn’t totally unjustified,” Ritter reports. “In an interview with biographer Walter Isaacson, Steve Jobs said that Ive ‘understands what we do at our core better than anyone. If I had a spiritual partner at Apple, it’s Jony.’ Ives’ relationship with Jobs and his resonance with the founder’s vision is essential for Apple.”

Read more in the full article here.

MacDailyNews Note: Today is Washington’s Birthday in the U.S.A., a federal holiday and, as such, the U.S. markets are closed for the day. We will resume our normal posting schedule tomorrow.

Washington’s Farewell Address, September 19, 1796

Related article:
Steve Jobs left design chief Jonathan Ive ‘more operational power’ than anyone else at Apple – October 21, 2011

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