U.S. Defense Department to approve iPhone and iPad for network use early next week

“The U.S. Defense Department expects to clear Apple Inc. mobile devices for use on its networks early next week, a Pentagon spokeswoman,” Nick Taborek and Chris Strohm report for Bloomberg News.

“The move would give Cupertino, California-based Apple the chance to eventually compete for military market share with BlackBerry, the Pentagon’s dominant smartphone supplier, and Samsung Electronics Co., which gained the department’s certification earlier this month,” Taborek and Strohm report. “An approval next week would allow government-issued devices running Apple’s newest mobile operating system, iOS 6, to access military networks, said Alana Johnson, a spokeswoman for the Pentagon’s Defense Information Systems Agency.”

Read more in the full article here.


    1. MacFreek is a mass of contradictions and nonsense. He refers to the “government” as some separate, maleficent entity. He appears to be paranoid that this entity wants to reduce him to a cog in some socialist (or communist or, somehow, both) society. He wants reduced taxes, but demands action by the government on all sorts of occasions and then complains of deficits.

      MacFreek, you and your ilk pose a much greater threat to this country that most others, terrorists included.

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