Baird Equity analyst William Power’s opinions about Apple are as changeable as a baby’s bottom

“On Sunday, Baird Equity’s William Power lowered his Apple (AAPL) price target for the second time in four days,” Philip Elmer-DeWitt reports for Fortune. “That got me wondering how often he changes his mind about the company.”

“The answer, it turns out, is a lot: by my count, seven times in the past 12 months,” P.E.D. reports. “Power not the only analyst whose forward-looking price targets have become trailing indicators, but if there’s another Apple analyst with less courage of his convictions, I haven’t found him.”

Read more in the full article here.

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “David E.” for the heads up.]


  1. Dear LoveSlave,

    My analyst boyfriend keeps changing his mind about whether or not he loves me…because of this we’ve broken up and gotten back together 7 times now.

    Last night he told me it was over again, and that he feels like he’s been faking his way through our relationship. He says he doesn’t want to continue but I know that he will just come back to me again and say he didn’t mean it.

    How do people cope with this? –Poor Little Apple

    Dear Apple,

    Tell him to shove it. –LoveSlave

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