Make your own personal dropbox with iCloud

“iCloud has some interesting features, notably its ability to sync data and files across devices, be they Macs or iOS devices (iPhones, iPads and iPod touches),” Kirk McElhearn writes for Kirkville. “However, I find Dropbox to be very practical for syncing files that I want to access on multiple Macs. I store a number of files that I need to access in a Dropbox folder, so I can have them, when I need them, on both my desktop Mac and laptop.”

McElhearn writes, “I came across a tip on the Mac.AppStorm website today, which explains a very simple way to create a personal drop box using iCloud. While Dropbox is free for 2 GB of storage, you get 5 GB with iCloud. Dropbox has many advantages, notably its integration with many iOS programs – as well as other platforms – but if you need more than 2 GB of storage, you have to pay $10 a month or more. The secret to leveraging iCloud for this purpose is a ‘hidden’ folder that stores your iCloud data, and that can, in essence, be used as a receptacle for files you want to share.”

Read more in the full article here.


  1. Why is this dumb idea here again? You can’t access files via web or on your iPhone or iPad, Apple says it may cause data loss, and it’s a clumsy workaround. Dropbox is FREE and allows file sharing via web, iPhone, iPad, Macs, and other people. I don’t get why people keep talking about this — it’s hidden for a reason.

  2. iCloud is completely misunderstood. As Steve Jobs said, iCloud isn’t a “Great Hard Drive In The Sky”, rather it’s a conduit by which you sync your files. He also told the creators of Dropbox that Dropbox is a feature and not a product. Prescient.

    Although, this tip is a nice touch.

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