Apple releases Apple Supplier Responsibility 2011 Progress Report

Apple has released their Apple Supplier Responsibility 2011 Progress Report:

Apple is committed to driving the highest standards of social responsibility throughout our supply base. We require that our suppliers provide safe working conditions, treat workers with dignity and respect, and use environmentally responsible manufacturing processes wherever Apple products are made.

Suppliers commit to the Apple Supplier Code of Conduct as a condition of doing business with us. Drawing on internationally recognized standards, our Code outlines expectations covering labor and human rights, health and safety, the environment, ethics, and management commitment. Apple monitors compliance with the Code through a rigorous program of onsite factory audits, followed by corrective action plans and verification measures.

Apple’s approach to supplier responsibility extends beyond our audit program. We empower workers through training, educate factory management, address underlying issues with nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and industry groups, and hold suppliers accountable for their practices. By making social responsibility fundamental to the way we do business, we ensure our suppliers take Apple’s Code as seriously as we do.

The full 25-page report is available online (.pdf) here.

MacDailyNews Take: Transparency.

[Attribution: The Beeb. Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “Alan F.” for the heads up.]


  1. Time to dust off all those stories about Apple workers jumping off roofs and once again fail to mention how the suicide rate is way less than in China as a whole.

    Apple has provided a mass of information that others haven’t. This will be used in two ways. One is to be ultra selective and focus on the bad stories, the other is to berate Apple for not disclosing even more information.

    1. They, the haters, are already using the report to pillory Apple, not realizing that Apple is doing much more than any other company in trying to improve conditions at suppliers. This is Apple’s 5th report since 2007. All available at

  2. My understanding is that what motivates these desperate workers to suicide is the generous life insurance package they all receive as a part of benefit package. Many have large penniless families, and the only way they can catch a break is with an insurance payout windfall. Talk about desperate!

      1. That wasn’t my intention and I’m struggling to figure out how is it either.

        Large factories across China tend to attract labour with little professional experience and career prospects. Reasons for financial trouble may be many, and the link between suicides and insurance payouts has been consistently reported before. It is unlikely that Apple can do anything about that, but there must be something that someone can.

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