Former U.S. President George W. Bush’s favorite iPad app

“Former President George Bush has gone high tech,” Alexander Mooney reports for CNN.

“First, the two-term president hits YouTube to promote his new book,” Mooney reports. “Now, we learn he is an iPad addict.”

“That’s according to wife Laura, who told Yahoo news it’s hard to break her husband away from the popular Apple gadget,” Mooney reports. “The former first lady added the ex-president’s favorite app is Scrabble (US$9.99).”

MacDailyNews Note: Also one of Oprah’s iPad favs.

Full article here.

Yahoo News has the video of Laura Bush’s interview here.

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Readers too numerous to mention individually for the heads up.]


  1. There’s a useful Scrabble companion app called Words that will list all valid words and their point value for a set of letters. Unfortunately, Scrabble doesn’t support app switching so when you leave the game to find a word, you have to start all over again when you return.

  2. There’s a useful Scrabble companion app called Words that will list all valid words and their point value for a set of letters. Unfortunately, Scrabble doesn’t support app switching so when you leave the game to find a word, you have to start all over again when you return.

  3. When the Republican Congress switch hands to the Democrats under Bush during the real estate bubble, the Democrats with the majority of power commanded the FHA to tell Freddie and Fannie to enter the sub-prime housing market.

    Now those losses from all those failed loans to any moron with a job and a id card are mounting, to several hundred billion and more to come. Three times more than sleep at the SEC wheel Bernie Madoff, the banks, GM and AIG combined!

    What was the Democratic response when Bush and the Treasury had to take over Freddie and Fannie from the corrupt Democrats?

    They bashed Bush, blamed him for the whole crises, got Obama (a nobody) elected and then proceeded to get the government involved in nationalized health care with ObamaCare and printed money up the wahzoo to pay for their sub-prime mistakes.

    It’s this printing of money that has devalued our currency and driving up prices for everything from food to fuel.

    Thanks a lot you socialist pricks. Come November your done!!

    Guess which US state is predicted to default first and require a Federal bailout? Not California or Nevada. Illinois, home of Obama. Look it up at BusinessInsider.

  4. When the Republican Congress switch hands to the Democrats under Bush during the real estate bubble, the Democrats with the majority of power commanded the FHA to tell Freddie and Fannie to enter the sub-prime housing market.

    Now those losses from all those failed loans to any moron with a job and a id card are mounting, to several hundred billion and more to come. Three times more than sleep at the SEC wheel Bernie Madoff, the banks, GM and AIG combined!

    What was the Democratic response when Bush and the Treasury had to take over Freddie and Fannie from the corrupt Democrats?

    They bashed Bush, blamed him for the whole crises, got Obama (a nobody) elected and then proceeded to get the government involved in nationalized health care with ObamaCare and printed money up the wahzoo to pay for their sub-prime mistakes.

    It’s this printing of money that has devalued our currency and driving up prices for everything from food to fuel.

    Thanks a lot you socialist pricks. Come November your done!!

    Guess which US state is predicted to default first and require a Federal bailout? Not California or Nevada. Illinois, home of Obama. Look it up at BusinessInsider.

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