Dvorak: ‘I see no reason why Apple (AAPL) stock can’t get to $200 or higher’

“Apple Inc. seems to be the only tech stock with the kind of support that can take it back to precrisis prices with little effort. If Steve Jobs can stay alive and finish the currently rumored notepad computer, I see no reason why the stock can’t get to $200 or higher,” John C. Dvorak writes for MarketWatch.

A rumored Apple tablet device “likely will feature some astonishing characteristics, rather than the cookie-cut tablets that have all failed in the marketplace,” Dvorak writes.

MacDailyNews Take: It’s the software, stupid. That’s why tablets have all failed so far. Apple’s “tablet” won’t be handicapped with Microsoft’s putrid Windows.

Dvorak continues, “Even if Apple cannot do the perfect pad computer, the company should still do well over the next six to 12 months, though — mainly because it is staying aggressive. That’s the real key.”

Full article here.

MacDailyNews Take: Enjoy Dvorak’s very rare moment of lucidity while it lasts.


  1. “Dvorak: ‘I see no reason why Apple (AAPL) stock can’t get to $200 or higher’”

    uh… what this actually MEANS is that Apple stock (along with the market) will crash. This IS Dvorak The Fool we’re talking about, remember.

  2. JCD is a cynic. The world needs more cynics, but you cannot live in a world where everybody is a cynic. I like the role he has taken on the IT industry and he never expects everyone will believe everything he says. He is starting to ‘bag’ everyone on his podcasts and blog which is entertaining.

  3. Put 1 Dvorak + 1 Enderle + 1 Balmer in a blender, blend for 20 sec, you now have half wit sauce, use as a troll repellant. Can also be used condiment when eating crow.

  4. San Francisco Examiner, John C. Dvorak, 19 February 1984
    The nature of the personal computer is simply not fully understood by companies like Apple (or anyone else for that matter). Apple makes the arrogant assumption of thinking that it knows what you want and need. It, unfortunately, leaves the “why” out of the equation – as in “why would I want this?” The Macintosh uses an experimental pointing device called a ‘mouse’. There is no evidence that people want to use these things. I dont want one of these new fangled devices.

  5. Wow, you guys really aren’t paying attention – that’s about the third straight Apple positive article from Dvorak this summer – I think he has come over to the light side … really.

  6. Dvorak does this all the time. He become very pro-Apple for a while. I think he believes that “mixing it up” generates more hits. But Crazy Dvorak will be back soon…

  7. Me: I see no reason why ANYONE would listen to this fat POS any more.
    Wow – going out on a limb, Windows fanboy “journalist”?
    Gimme a break.
    Quit covering this has-been.

  8. Over the past few months Dvorak has been signaling a bit more praise toward Cupertino than we have heard in the past. (Just a bit – we shouldn’t get too excited about it now – after all, it is Dvorak). Maybe some of his brain cells are regenerating. I still think he’s a moron of a tech journalist, but a lot of people in the PC universe listen to him (yes, there are many lemmings in this world) and he could sway a few Apple naysayers from the dark side. Who knows.

  9. Don’t worry. After the thrill of Snow leopard has worn off, he will be singing the praises of Windows 7, aka “Mud Cougar”:

    “A very bold and mature operating system that has had most of its security holes patched from viruses. With enough speed to keep your neighbors son up gaming all night and that wild user inherface, Mud Cougar looks to be one big dirty cat that is ready to take on everything from the smallest laptops to the biggest servers. Now college boy, why go with some fruit when you can have that micro-soft feeling? So get Mud Cougar tonight, because it’s not your Daddy’s operating system…anymore”

  10. Shame on you Dvorak critics…. He was undoubtably dropped on his head as a small baby… His retarded though process and unstable personality make him irrational and thus his tendency to abruptly change his mind a lot. Remember when he could do nothing but bash Apple? Really, he will say anything that sells his mindless patter… I think it is best to ignore him. perhaps he will go away.
    You can see the bewildered look in his eyes….. poor tortured soul…

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