Russian President Dmitry Medvedev confirmed Apple Mac user

MacDailyNews reader Alex has sent a link to, the site of President of Russ1a, Dmitry Medvedev, which features several photos of Medvedev seated in front of his MacBook Pro.

Full article, with more photos, here.


  1. John,

    Perhaps. But, animal lovers will be happy to note that I have several dogs that lead far more pampered lives than any of you Obama voters can even imagine.

    Yes, John, my dogs have nicer homes than yours. They eat better food than you, too.

    So, enjoy your public services that I bankroll.

    I have my own private doctor on staff. My own chef. My own pilot, too.

    And you never will, if you think the government is supposed to give you things taken from others who earned it.

  2. That’s the new Macbook Pro! He doesn’t mess around with the new technology. Is there an Apple Store in Moscow?

    Bill Clinton was much more to the center than the “real” Obama. You need to look at his voting record, not what he is saying. They are two different things.

  3. @ 1,000 employee business owner

    You and your greed are part of the problem that has made America the “me” country instead of the “we” country. The constitution says “We the people…”

    “I got mine, now you get yours.” That’s a load of bull. The problem with you greedy people is that you’ll never understand the “we” thing. Your life has always been about you, that’s all you can see and you can’t see past it.

    That’s why capitalism is failing. All hail President Bush’s socialist republic for saving the rich people!! (oops, and I almost forgot his henchmen Bernanke and Paulson.)

  4. @ 1,000 employee business owner

    Look, you are just being an ass, your comments are not helping your position they are hurting it, in fact, I would almost wonder if you are actually a socialist who is lampooning a greedy bastard just to try and make a point.

    Obama is for ‘redistributing the wealth’, he has said so himself. This is a socialist belief and is destructive. If you don’t think so, just think of this, whoever you are you are probably making a good income, Obama will take a portion of that income and give it to whoever he pleases even though they did not earn it simply because the ‘deserve’ it more then you. If you don’t think this will be a big deal, fine, then you better have a big smile on your face when someone takes 20% of your income and gives it to someone living off of welfare (not someone ‘down on their luck’ and trying to get better, but someone who is just fine living off of the welfare check for the rest of their lives, and if you think that is imposable I know several people, one related to me, who think this way).

    I earned my money with hard work, and I intend to keep and use as much of it as possible for my own needs and goals. I am not selfish, I am not buying gold-plated watches or spending money just to spend it, I am trying to make the most of what I have.

  5. I thought Apple hardware and software couldn’t be exported to certain countries,

    People don’t be fooled; Medvedev is just a puppet of Putin and his apparatus. What else are we gonna do to help them??

    Anyway, we could’ve at least conned them into using Windows 7 or something.
    Unless of course that MacBook is running Vista….

  6. Obama and the Democrats created the Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae subprime crises!

    Democrats created the governmental sponsored companies in the 1970.
    Hussain Obama sued Citibank in the early 2000 because they did not give enough people subprime loans.
    Check the records!!!!

  7. Congratulations 1,000 employees!

    I too work very hard and I’m already well on my way to being as rich as you. Love having the private chef and the large yacht, but man I envy that private physician. I just can’t bring myself to have to pay for his malpractice insurance.

    Anyway, we ran the numbers and Obama just wouldn’t be all that bad for me or my employees, of course, the MacK would be better from a taxing standpoint, but then what would we do with all those healthcare costs he wants to add to us?

    Plus, I get the feeling that Obama would be more open to additional visas for foreign workers, something that none of the Reps would be caught dead supporting. Can you say, more cheap foreign labor? I can!!!

    I say we give the minority dude a shot and if he doesn’t work out, we can just send him packing just like we did with them in 2000.

  8. The way the Republicans are whining you’d think Obama was going to take all the white woman, make us all each fried chicken, and turn the USA into the People’s Republic of America.

    Give me a break Republicans, sometimes you win and sometimes you lose. If you think your losing is the end of your world, go talk to a Cubs fan. They will teach you how to say: “Wait till next year.”

    One more thing, before Obama comes to take all your money and redistribute it, go buy some Macs and iPhones and iPods and AppleTVs. You know your money is much better spent on you than those “poor people.”

  9. Mr. Medvedev must have heard that former terrorism tsar Richard

    Clarke uses Macs because they’re more secure than Windows


    Can’t really blame Mr. Medvedev, now, can we.

  10. Please, no one post after me

    So the entire MDN Family can easily see

    Uncle Remus post above

    And all of us Pray for our Nation

    Our Families, Friends, and Neighbors

    Especially Pray for Uncle Remus

    I don’t give a shit if McCain wins

    He’s a Good Man

    But I will never sit silent, Uncle Remus

    Will never allow you or anyone else

    To poison our Common National Well

    The same well you, me, McCain

    And even Obama

    We must all drink from

    BC Kelly
    Tallahassee Fla

  11. Interesting….

    No one is looking at the real problem:

    Every dollar (fill in your particular country’s currency) you receive from your bank was introduced into your “economy” with debt included. The money to pay the debt was introduced with debt included.

    Let’s look at the rule of nine’s which states that you can lend out the first dollar in (from your central bank) – nine more times.

    So that $750 000 000 000 bailout in the US is how much now?

    And American citizens have to pay the interest and the interest on the interest with debt based money.

    That isn’t McCain’s or Obama’s “fault” BUT whomever becomes the puppet president (and if you think otherwise, you have no idea of what’s going on) will inherit their share of the global problems.

    Your ignorance regarding how the “economy” functions is why you are in the same old place that five generations have been before you. In fact, President Andrew Jackson was the last President who had the courage to fight the international banking cartel.

    For those of you who think I am spouting “conspiracy theories” – you need to read – research and make up your mind rather than believe the BS that you have been handed by either party.

    I am not a political supporter in the party sense. Never have been. I have always voted the man or woman based upon what I learned about them and their platform and their principles of integrity and support of the Constitution. Not based upon what they say, but on what they have done.

    I have also learned that by observing the “small things” that a person does tells me of how they actually will handle all things.

    My Dad taught me both of these ways to be.

    I pity the people who are so filled with hate and fear that they cannot make a clear cogent decision based upon facts as they have researched them.

    I pity the prejudice – prejudgement without actual definable documented facts – that is all to pervasive in this American election.

    This isn’t about opportunists, or welfare moms or bulldogs with lips stick or fictionalised POW experiences (and they were – do your research) or about community organisers or gender or race or sexual proclivity.

    Subtle hint: McCain wanted Liberman to be his VP but (and I quote) “They wouldn’t let me”. Since when does someone else dictate who the running mate is of the potential president? (Always – since Teddy Roosevelt).

    It is about one race – the human race. And we are allowing people who are never accountable nor held responsible to dictate how we live our lives and send our sons and daughters to die so that they can make more money.

    Watch Zeitgeist and Zeitgeist Addendum ( and you will understand BUT by the time you actually do it – you will have already been defeated for at least another four more years.

    And it will not matter who won.

    Good luck.

    And Oh by the way – Uncle Remus – YOU ARE A PITIFUL HUMAN BEING!

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