FOX News for Apple iPhone Website launched

FOX News has recently launched FOX News for iPhone.

Read the headlines, search the FOX News archive, and watch every video available on, all optimized for your Apple iPhone and iPod touch.

Videos on FOX News for iPhone will automatically stream in the right size for your current Internet connection, whether Cellular or WiFi.

You can also share stories right from your iPhone and get quick links to FOX News podcasts on Apple’siTunes Store.

FOX News for iPhone is here and is currently a “Staff Pick” at and the #2 most popular “Web App.” More here.

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “Mark D” for the heads up.]


  1. As a Huckabee supporter, I find it somewhat funny that people here are complaining about Fox News pushing Huckabee. He’s actually gotten more heat from Hannity & Colmes and O’Reilly than many of the other networks’ interviews. We’re all over at the Huckabee grassroots forums complaining about Fox News’ coverage. ” width=”19″ height=”19″ alt=”smile” style=”border:0;” />

    On a more relevant note, I think this is a great step forward for the media, and I can hardly wait until every major news outlet has an iPhone-specific site. That’ll make it a lot easier to stay up-to-day while on my bus ride!

  2. Damn. I’m so glad I live in America where I can watch whatever I want on my iPhone, TV, etc and so can my neighbors. In fact we can also not watch we don’t want to watch. Where are all the rest of you at, where you toe the party line and don’t “tolerate” anyone who disagrees with you ?

  3. That’s interesting people here are making a “case” for Fox News that according to the notion of “fair and balanced” viewpoints, Fox News has an “equal say” in matters.

    First of all, this notion that figuring out the truth is simply balancing two opposing sides is eroding the very fabric of journalistic integrity. The problem is if you want balanced information you need to make sure both sources are equally accurate. If you balance two corrupt sources of information, the end result is not Truth or good information: it’s still bad information.

    For example, if you read Pravda and then Der Stürmer (Nazi Germany’s propaganda paper), would you say the truth is somewhere in between?

    Additionally, another issue is how sources should be weighted. Would you argue that someone reading Nostrodamus is equally informed about the world than someone who is reading the New York Times? Hopefully not, as Nostradamus was talking out of his ass and had no knowledge of our current situation.

    But according to the notion of “Fair and Balanced”, Nostradamus has an equal say in what is happening in the world today.

    The big hoodwink of American culture has been convincing people that garbage / garbage = trustworthy news. The problem is people don’t look beyond the garbage to see what’s going on.

    “The meaning of a statement is its method of verification”
    – AJ Ayer

  4. TexagAg03,

    “There is more and more dissent every day within the ranks of scientists concerning the human effect on global warming. I don’t know of any hard facts…”

    Uhhh… and where did you get this fake fact nugget? The overwhelming consensus from more than 90 percent of scientist is that global warming is real and is caused by humans. Did you see the news today on the latest report from the UN showing that the last 10 years have been the warmest on record? I forget… the UN is just another organization you’ll dismiss outright…

    And what are the credentials of these dissenting scientists? Are they all with the Discovery Institute or funded by Big Oil?

    Have you read the Oreskes study on the Overwhelming Climate Change Consensus of the Scientific Community? Google it up?

    I’m not denying their are dissenters, but that doesn’t give them any credence. To this day, there are Holocaust deniers, Flat-Earth believers, “Moon landing was staged” conspiracy theorist, and Creationists masquerading as scientists with ID.

    “Because they get so educated the lose their common sense…”

    Wow!!! You lose your common sense when you get educated! That’s the worse excuse for illiteracy!

    What is common sense? Instinctual decisions based on emotions, tradition and the cultural millieu – “without dependence upon esoteric knowledge or study or research, but based upon what is believed to be knowledge held by people “in common”, so: the knowledge and experience most people have, or are believed to have by the person using the term.”

    At one time, it was common sense to have slavery, to believe that the Earth was the center of the Universe, and the atom was indivisible.

    A proper education arms you with the tools for critical thinking. Skepticism is the default position of Science. There is NO dogma in Science – ALL theories are provisional. All prevailing theories are only held up by the community by consensus because they all try to keep testing or disproving it. As soon as the theory fails a fundamental test, a true scientist is more than happy to abandon it.
    Not understanding something doesn’t automatically lead to attributing it to the paranormal or the supernatural, but further study and investigation.

    C’mon Man!!!! THINK for yourself! And THINK critically!

    “People who believe completely, with no room for discussion, in man-made global warming are making their dogmatic proclamations based on their faith in the “science”

    No room for discussion!?!?! Science is all about DISCOURSE! Google “scientific method”. Again, all theories ARE provisional!!!

  5. You leftis are so blinded by the liberal bias on network news which pretends to be “centrist” on main stream. That ANYTHING with the slighted tilt to the right is seen as extreame right.

    Grow up.. people have the right get it “right” to be “right” and have a “right” opinion. I’ve “left” if to you to draw your own “left” opionin of what my “right” poit of vew is..

    That’s why we call it “right”… by the way. But thats bettrer left for another disussion thread OFF of this tech site please..

    Oh, and by the way, some conservatives such as myself DO use Mac.


  6. Great thanks to all you liberals out their. I love reading these entries. They were great laughs. I loved things like “brainwashing”, “propaganda”, “fixed noise”, but my favorite so far is… “ Fox news needs to reeled in and brought under control!” I think that came from Stalin Therepguy. Keep up the good work people. Still more room below this comment.

    With all the news outlets that liberals have, I find it funny that they get so upset with Fox News.


  7. On Topic

    Even though the iPhone has a full web browser, I love the iPhone optimized websites. They are really awesome.

    Off Topic

    I feel sorry for you brainwashed, high tax paying, the government owes me something, I’m melting because of a .5 degee global warming rise, I want to sing cumbaya with terrorists, DUMBASSES …..

  8. wmd,

    As a trained scientist, I will order the Great Global Warming Swindle DVD and watch it with an open yet critical mind.

    But once again, scientific theories are always held in abeyance and are only held up as the prevailing theory necessarily by consensus.

    There will ALWAYS be dissenters, credentialed, qualified or otherwise.

    Also, the Earth’s climate is a super complex system and I submit man is NOT the only factor causing climate change. However, their is compelling evidence that we are accelerating the phenomena by our activities.

    Appealing to the “common sense” argument, isn’t it then the “right” thing to try to do something about it and not sit idly by?

    If we don’t MODIFY our behaviour, our children will pay in spades for our irresponsible use of the Earth’s limited resources.

  9. My guess is that most of the FNC bashers never watch it, they just mindlessly repeat what they read at If you did watch FNC it would be quite obvious that they present both sides of an argument, which is more than CNBC does. Think for yourself!

  10. An earlier post repeated the NeoCon Mantra about the “Liberal” Media. With the exception of Air America, I don’t see it on my digital cable. What I do see is a bunch of pandering, blow-dried newz-readers. The copy and content is Yellow Journalism of the highest order.

    Faux Newz support of the iPhone is just another reason (along with SBC/AT&T;lock-in) to keep my T-Mobile phone for another season.

  11. “Fair and balanced” is a euphemism for moral relativism, and masks idealogical-based propaganda as news reporting.

    If you want real news, check out PBS.

    I’m waiting for The Onion to sue Fox for encroaching on their territory of news parody.

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