Study: Apple iPhone owners ‘off the charts’ satisfied with device

“Early iPhone owners are overwhelmingly happy with their devices, a survey out Friday says, and Apple and AT&T are luring customers from rivals as a result,” Edward C. Baig reports for USA Today.

“In one of the first such studies, 90% of 200 owners said they were ‘extremely’ or ‘very’ satisfied with their phone. And 85% said they are ‘extremely’ or ‘very’ likely to recommend the device to others, says the online survey conducted and paid for by market researcher Interpret of Santa Monica, Calif. The firm surveyed 1,000 cellphone users July 6-10,” Baig reports.

“The findings are ‘pretty much off the charts,’ says Jason Kramer, Interpret’s chief strategy officer,” Baig reports. “The firm’s clients are in the entertainment and mobile industries.”

“The iPhone is extending Apple’s reach, the survey says. Three of 10 buyers were first-time Apple customers. For 40%, iPhone is their first iPod,” Baig reports. “Apple could ‘change the physics in the phone market,’ if it is as successful building loyalty to the iPhone as it has been in the music and computer markets, says Gene Munster, senior research analyst at Piper Jaffray.”

Full article here.

Our use of the term “bloodbath” to describe what havoc iPhone will wreak upon the mobile industry may have been an understatement. Sometimes still we just stop for a few seconds while using the iPhone and just stare at it in utter amazement. It really is a fun, beautiful, and transformative device that will only get better.


  1. re: your term ‘bloodbath’.

    I’ve interacted enough in here with you folks to understand that it’s just a metaphor. However, it really seems like all these blood-letting metaphors that you repeatedly use are distateful at best and appallingly characteristic of the American penchant for violent victory at best.

    Why don’t you just say that Apple will soon dominate all those assholes and make them grovel? It would be much nicer if it were phrased that way, wouldn’t it?

  2. Two words: Jugger Naut!

    Apple did everything that was really challenging perfectly so far. What’s left is just smooth execution to the end. Keep these iPods comming into the pipeline, don’t let anyone wait for more than two weeks to get one and deliver meaningful updates at the right intervals.

    I’m sure the first update will arrive sometime in September. That would mean that they’re not fixing something they should have done before release, and on the other hand, that they are aggressively and continuously working on bettering the product even after its release.

    MDN: if you think this is bloodbath, wait ’till Christmas season. The iPod mass hysteria of the years past is nothing compared to what’s coming!

  3. GWM, human history is built upon “bloodbaths” so, it’s not distinctly an american trait. Heck, look at how long the French used guillotines. Look at the public spectacle english hangings were.

    Look at the history of genocide in modern history from WW2 Cambodia to Rwanda and the Serbian-Croatian genocide.

    The idea that humans are not bloodthirsty is to deny the whole of human history.

    As for the original article, I think Pixar customers are 85 to 90% very satisfied.

  4. Hmmm Apple vs MS. Lets look at customer satisfaction.

    MS: According to a recent independent survey from, of 1,000 computer users in the U.S., 77-percent expected some sort of problem with Vista, including 30 percent who expected problems due to the new user interface. Anthony Rodio, chief marketing officer responsible for, noted that the top three consumer call drivers regarding Vista since its release six months ago include:—

    Apple: “Early iPhone owners are overwhelmingly happy with their devices, a survey out Friday says, and Apple and AT&T are luring customers from rivals as a result,” Edward C. Baig reports for USA Today.

    “In one of the first such studies, 90% of 200 owners said they were ‘extremely’ or ‘very’ satisfied with their phone. And 85% said they are ‘extremely’ or ‘very’ likely to recommend the device to others, :

    So if we look at a chart version we could see this.
    BAD —————————————————————————————— Good
    -100 – – – – – – MS – – – – – – – — – – – – – – 0 – – – – – – – – – – – – – Apple + 100

    Looks right to me. ” width=”19″ height=”19″ alt=”grin” style=”border:0;” />


  5. I want to know what the other 10% – 15% of the people are thinking.

    Ten bucks says you get them as soon as landscape view works in all windows and the phaser function is enabled through software update.

  6. These numbers from this study are amazing, and bode VERY well for Apple and the iPhone. It’s not just Apple fanbois that are snapping these things up obviously, as 30% of iPhone buyers are new to Apple, and 40% of buyers have never owned an iPod before. The iPhone is truly poised to have an even bigger impact on the marketplace than the iPod did, and that is truly amazing.

  7. “Have any of you wiseacres taken the time to see if your iPhone wifi capability actually works? Can you connect your iPhone to your own router at home? Anywhere else?”

    Yep, my iPhone has worked just fine at home connected to my 802.11g router and at every other hotspot I’ve tried it with as well. Same goes for my wife’s iPhone as well.

    “Is this a five billion dollar recall in the works?”


  8. “The idea that humans are not bloodthirsty is to deny the whole of human history.”

    Exactly. When Apple is finally running the show we get to change all that, no?

    I mean .. are we taking the place over or aren’t we? No point in setting our goals too low, you know?

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