Disney patent application shows ESPN video content coming to wireless iPod

“A new Disney patent has just surfaced at the U.S. Patent and Trade Office today titled ‘Graphical user interface for electronic devices,’ which provides us with a powerful clue of what’s to come – and more specifically, what’s coming to a wireless iPod near you,” Neo reports for MacNN.

Neo reports, “In a nutshell, Disney is preparing a new ESPN web-enabled clamshell cell phone that will allow it’s users to wirelessly receive ESPN video and text reports as they become available. Disney’s ‘Patent Claims’ concerning the new UI and wireless system are uniquely divided into two distinct groups: One for a cell phone and one simple noted as a portable communications device.”

Neo reports, “In one of Disney’s patent points it states the following: “For example, systems and methods of the present disclosure may be applied to other mobile electronic devices, such as PDAs, pagers, etc., and to other handheld electronic devices, such as, e.g., the iPod digital music player (available from Apple Computer, Inc.).

“Disney describes that the content that will be made available on their new mobile GUI will correspond to sports-related content provided by Mobile ESPN, such as RealTime scores, sports-related news, commentary, video and statistics, software applications, e.g., for managing fantasy sports teams, and other sports-related content,” Neo reports.

Neo reports, “ESPN live content, sports news and video clips are on their way to Apple’s next generation wireless iPod – sometime in 2007/2008. That’ll be a great way to kick-start content for Apple’s future wireless iPod, that no doubt, will grab get the attention of every sports enthusiast around the globe.”

Full article, with much more, including patent application illustrations, here.

[Thanks to MacDailyNews Reader “LinuxGuy and Mac Prodigal Son” for the heads up.]


  1. Perhaps I’m far too Gay to understand the allure of watching millionaires play kids’ games. Then, to get excited over it and want to know the scores minute-by-minute when your not watching it is even further from my ability to grasp such concepts.

    Well, okay, I will admit I like to watch some sports like college wrestling.

  2. I see this as no more than a patent to back up their now-defunt ESPN Mobile service and expand it to something other than just their own ESPN-branded mobile phones. Unless, of course, Apple’s planning on opening up iPod software development to more than just a handful of games…

  3. Why do Americans continue to butcher the English language, especially individuals writing professionally? It’s excruciating! Below are two examples of improper use illustrated in the article excerpt above:

    1. In paragraph #2 above, this nugget:
    “Disney is preparing a new ESPN web-enabled clamshell cell phone that will allow it’s users…” That is a Bozo No-No. Specifically, when “using the possessive contraction of “it is”, NEVER use an apostrophe. The correct use should have been “its”, not “it’s” as noted above. This is one of the most common mistakes that I see, and it drives me insane.

    2. In paragraph #3 above, another boneheaded use of bad English: “…other handheld electronic devices, such as, e.g., the iPod digital music player…” Here, the author makes two mistakes: 1) combining “such as” and “e.g.” to refer to the iPod. This is redundant. Also, don’t use “e.g.” to refer to one item; the correct use should be to insert a more common “i.e.”. Proper use of “e.g.” is when you refer to a series of at least three to four items in succession. The following are examples of proper use:

    “I think Zune sucks, i.e., it’s another bad idea from Microsoft.” In this case, we are referring to one item.

    “I love Apple’s recent product updates, e.g., the new MacBooks, the MacBook Pro, the fast new tower and the latest iPod updates.” Here, we are using “e.g.” to refer to several items in succession.

    I hope this helps. There was once a time when journalists had their work scrutinized by editors and proofreaders. Sadly, respect for the English language is falling by the wayside. Whether you’re blogging or writing professionally, set the bar high on the quality of your language. We’re judged by how well or how poorly we communicate. Is it asking too much to respect such a wonderful language as English?

    I hope not.

  4. Okay Mr. Grammar Snob,

    First of all, this ain’t some PhD class on the English language. It’s (yes I used it corretly) a FRIGGIN BLOG, GET OVER IT FOR GOD’S SAKE!!!!

    Secondly, if you are going to be such a dick about grammar, please learn some. Your explanation of the difference between “e.g.” and “i.e.” was completely off, i.e., IT SUCKED.

    i.e. = that is…
    e.g. = for example…

    Don’t come back with some academic/obscure theory about what they “really” mean or how the Romans intended them to be used — WE DON’T GIVE A FCUK!!!! That’s how their used every day.


  5. Sports folks and technology don’t mix

    In high school there were geeks and jocks.

    Jocks beat up on the geeks, and the geeks would get revenge without it being traced back to them.

    Ever since time started, the jocks were afraid of the geeks and technology.

    Consider it a failure right now.

  6. (yes, dude)

    “Why do Americans (blah blah blah)”…

    actually, people of all nationalities butcher many languages in the written form.

    Why don’t you fight some battles we will all benefit from:

    your vs you’re
    definitely, NOT definATEly
    there vs their vs they’re

    I don’t really care. Just wanted to be difficult. Unless that is something up with which you will not put.

  7. What I realized from this post is that Disney’s MVNO will be a great entry point for “the iPod Phone.” Apple will not need to start up it’s own MVNO, even if all the wireless companies refuse to carry the iPod phone, because Steve can obviously strike a deal with Disney. Folks will love the product, Disney will quickly sell millions of the phones, and the other carriers will see the light very quickly. Up to now I hadn’t understood how Apple would introduce the iPod phone into general use, but now I see this as a very workable plan.

  8. i.e. = that is
    e.g = for example

    is how the Romans used them.

    i.e. = id est = cioé (italian). That is translated in English as “that is”, “that is to say”, “in other words” as it was ‘id est’ used in Latin.
    e.g. = exempli gratia = for example

    There are lots of latin and greek abbreviations that are used today as they were once, although not in the abbreviated form, thence “id est”, “exempli gratia”, et cetera. (Which is known by most as “etc”)


    “their” in yours above should be “they’re”.

    Oh well, English slowly spiralling down these days… Kind of a brown Zune thing.

    MDN “meaning”. How appropriate

  9. Grammar Snob and other non-morons,

    I have to thank you for having the guts to say something about the horrible writing that’s plaguing sites like this because there’s no surer way to get flamed. However, although I cringe every time I see the their/they’re/there and its/it’s/its’ mistakes on the Web, it’s far more frightening when I see it from (allegedly) highly-educated people in my company and others with whom I correspond.

    It is an absolute epidemic of laziness and I only see it getting worse. (e.g. how many people do you think would even recognize the word “through” nowadays? “Everybody knows its’ speled ‘thru’, stupid. Were did youre parent’s send you to school?” (All mistakes done intentionally and with great difficulty since I know how to &^$#% write).

    A few years ago, I went to a meeting with my girlfriend’s son’s English teacher. We sat down, she picked up her notebook, and said “Jared’s doing good.” I replied “You mean he’s doing things like helping old ladies across the street?” She had no idea what I was talking about and when I said “or do you mean ‘well’?” she got all pissy and adamant and actually said “whatever”. Exactly the same reaction people have here.

    Aside from teachers like her (she?) who shouldn’t be allowed near children, there’s a more basic problem which is simply that no one READS anymore.

    I only have a vocational school education, and I don’t really know that much about proper English (as I’m sure people will point out as they pick apart *my* writing) but from reading books, I learned the basics. And that’s all I am asking of people, LEARN THE DAMNED BASICS!! I don’t care if you make a typo or you spell conceptually wrong — typos happen, and in this medium they happen a lot. And misspellings aren’t even that big a deal ’cause it’s often tough to tell when it’s a misspelling vs. a typo and, again, in this medium, people are trying to get stuff written quickly and there’s really no need to look up words — most people don’t care. But regularly using it’s and its and soooo many simple, basic things incorrectly, shows a lack of knowledge which can be easily corrected but which no one seems to care about any more.

    It’s just getting too embarrassing to be an American. And not so much because of the fact that people don’t know the right way to write, but rather that they <u>don’t care </u> and, worse, if you tell them, they rant at you for being a nit picker, rather than taking the lesson and using it. Really, really sad.

    End of rant. Thanks to those of you who care about the language.

    Feel free to pick at this and point out every grammatical error, typo and misuse of tense. I am always happy to learn.

  10. When was the patent filed? Disney used to have an ESPN mobile phone service but got rid of it because they only got around 10% of the expected members to sign up. Read about it here:


    Disney could have just been speculating as to what might occur with future iPods when it filed the patent so they would be ahead of the game. I would love this iPod that everyone keeps speculating about but will believe it when I see it.

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