Apple 2006 European sales more than 2002, 2003, and 2004 combined

“The European business of Apple Computer had sales of $4.1 billion (£2.2 billion) in the 12 months to the end of September — more than the combined total for its 2002, 2003 and 2004 financial years,” Paul Durman reports for The Sunday Times.

“‘It’s an indication of the exponential growth of this business,’ said Pascal Cagni, the head of Apple Europe,” Durman reports.

Durman reports, “Year on year, European sales were up 27% in the latest quarter, broadly in line with the group as a whole.”

Full article here.


  1. Sadly it’s pretty much all down to the iPod, which was a late starter over here except in London. The Mac has had a bit of a rise, but without Apple stores or Mac advertising in France, Germany, Italy, or Spain (which with the UK make up the five biggest economies in the EU), Microsoft is continuing to cement its position here.

  2. I believe you will begin to see more emphasis on non-US markets now that the tide is really beginning to turn in the US. Once Apple gets its position in the US where it wants (solid and growing) it will begin to shift focus to European and Asia-Pac areas to begin the process there. They should be able to turn these markets around much faster though as they will have built the core and will just need to begin to make inroads into these areas (infrastructure, stores, advertising, and – most importantly – accommodations as necessary for the local areas).

  3. Here in the UK, MS has an entrenced position in schools, which in effect get a financial bonus for choosing MS. Universities apart from the elite group, have given up teaching CompSci in favour of training in the use of MS products. Corporates and University IT still runs on MS with Exchange Server forming the backbone and IT departments totally resistant to anything other than MS. This is despite one University to my personal knowledge having their entire IT system taken down by a virus a couple of years ago. The effects were still felt a month after the event, and even then they won’t consider anything else.

    Although I am glad Apple is making progress I can’t see them making real headway for some time.

  4. Here you have a proud Yurpean Mac owner, who left the land of Microsoft Misery when the MacBook was introduced.

    Dunno about the business friendliness argument. Europe is just different, with different consumer habits etc. The lack of brand recognition here definitely is a big problem for Apple. They should make themselves seen and heard, and not only in terms iPod. The iPod does, however, help Apple make themselves better-known here (the halo, you know).

  5. I agree with most of the posts here, but don’t let’s forget that Apple’s share of the market is increasing in Europe as well – if not at the same pace as in the US.

    Here in Berlin anyway, Apple’s presence is more apparent especially on the campuses and in fasionable cafés and bars. You see more Macs about. The Apple dealers are enjoying a boom.

    Apple is cool here.

    MS isn’t.

  6. Did Apple finally manage to bring their prices down in Europe? When I lived there in the 80s, it was ridiculous. You could just about buy a plane ticket, fly to the the US and back for the premium you payed for a Mac. I realize that part of that is taxes and import duties but it was a serious problem for the Mac to compete on price.

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