President Bush’s weekly radio address podcasts available via Apple’s iTunes Music Store

“President Bush’s radio addresses [are now] offered via podcast… Here’s what White House spokesman David Almacy told me: Selected Bush speeches, along with the radio addresses, are available now at the iTunes Web site. A team of about a dozen Web staffers are converting these and selected speeches into MP3 files and making them available too,” Robert MacMillan reports for The Washington Post.

“Not only that, the White House has created RSS feeds for the radio addresses in English and Spanish. That means that anyone who wants to can sign up to receive the information through their RSS readers along with news and other Web site updates that offer this service,” MacMillan reports. “‘As technology advances, the White House recognizes the importance of providing content in new ways to reach new audiences to communicate the president’s vision,’ Almacy said. Regardless of the current brouhaha over what that vision is, it might be possible to classify the Bush White House as jumping ahead of the curve on technology.”

Full article here.

U.S. President George W. Bush’s Weekly Radio Address to the Nation:

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  1. Intelligent Design isn’t a theory, it’s a political strategy. And not even a particularly new or interesting one. Don’t think so? Look up the word ‘teleology’. It’s been around for over a century.

    Intelligent Design is repackaged pap brought to you by the same people who fought so vociferously for a Flat Earth and a genetic basis for racism. If you can’t beat science, coöpt it, rewrite it, and sell it to the ignorant for all your worth, that’s what I always say.

  2. The only way to confront terrorism is to attack it head on. Let the vast majority of the fighting happen over in the middle east. It’s pathetic that Muslims don’t turn on these fanatic terrorist and stop them themselves. But they don’t. You liberal nuts think if you hide from the terrorists and don’t dare do anything to provoke them that they will leave you alone. Wrong! They won’t stop until they have chopped off your heads and converted the world to Islam while the leaders get to drink, do drugs, have sex with hookers, etc. behind closed doors. You question them they kill you. There is no room on this planet for people like this. If they manage to get a nuke to go off in a US city watch out middle east. It’s over for you . Remember the American Indians. It will be worse for you scum.

  3. Let’s be honest here!

    ID is just another attempt by the religious right to try and bring religious dogma into science.

    You can dress it up by saying “it’s not really creationism”, but the simple truth is that the proponents of ID can’t have it both ways: if design is truly supremely intelligent and based on the works of an infallible higher intelligence, then it would be right first time, every time.

    On that basis, the HIV virus is part of a supreme plan, but then so is malaria, or cancer or even homosexuality, which is – for all of those who don’t read widely – apparently genetic. So, in the world of ID, innocent children who are suffering from cystic fibrosis, AIDS, or leukemia are actually being used by a supreme intelligence as a biochemistry set; I find the idea that anyone could believe that my best friend’s father was taken away from him as part of God’s experiment in how cancer eats away at the human body truly appalling.

    Biology and, in particular, genetics are demonstrations of organised chaos, where random mutations are created and either succeed or fail depending on any number of factors including geography, climate, available food sources, intervention by other organisms and any other number of parameters. Evolution is a simple truth that is proven by the fossil record as much as the mapping of any number of genomes.

    Intelligent Design is the last refuge of people who want to believe that they were created by (a) God to counter their own insecurities about life, the Universe and everything in it. It is a spiritual safety net and, as such, belongs in religious education.

    But it certainly has no place in a classroom teaching rational science in the 21st century, and the President has no business blurring the lines between religion and state yet further, whilst simultaneously making an international laughing stock of the American education system which, given the illiteracy rate in the USA, has more important things to worry about than the crackpot fundamentalism of a certain portion of the Republican Party’s lunatic fringe.

  4. I thought I’d visit this thread just to kick something off.

    But I see it’s doing quite nicely without me.

    Linda – get a grip, and get out more. Your president is your president. Here in the UK, I didn’t vote for him or his similarly messianic chum, Tony Blair. He’s not a world leader: if he was, he’d pay more attention to what the world says and a lot less on the neo-colonial ambitions of the American Enterprise Institute and its ilk.

    Andrew – I’ll remind myself, if terrorists do let off a dirty bomb in London, Paris, or New York, that Al Qua’ida was effectively a spin-off from an earlier neo-conservative strategy to undermine the Evil Empire in Afghanistan. I bet if you knew in 1981 what you knew in September 2001, you would have understood why the Soviet Union wasn’t too keen to have Islamic fundamentalism on the doorstep. But then it took the USA over three decades to work out that the Provisional IRA were gun-running, drug-smuggling, bank-robbing, racketeering gangsters, so at least twenty years is an improvement.

  5. Has to be creation. If you look at a building, how do you know there was a builder? Or if you look at a painting, how do you know there was a painter? The building or the painting is proof.

    It’s not any different with the world, with life, the stars, the human body, reproduction, seasons. These are all proof there is a creator. Each has order and purpose which cannot be explained by undirected natural processes. The Bible says we are without excuse because we can see the work of His hands.

    We are accountable to Him. The Bible says we have broken his law and will be condemned. He considers lust to be adultery and hate to be murder. We have lied, stolen, and blasphemed his name.

    On the day of judgement, the Bible says all our sins, even our secret sins, will be brought to light. We will be guilty before God of breaking the 10 commandments and be sentenced to hell.

    But Jesus came and lived a perfect life. He never sinned. He died in the place of the children of God. He took their sins upon himself and gave his righteousness to them. If we will trust in Jesus, in what he did for us, and repent, we will be saved. He will grant us eternal life.

    If you cannot repent, you are like a child who refuses to obey and shows no remorse. You will enter into hell for eternity.

  6. What’s he talking about? The success in Iraq? Not. The Success in the War on Terror? Not. Karl Rove? Not. Global Warming? Not. Gas Prices? Not. Countries like Iran, N. Korea, and Venezuala that lost all respect for us, and have been empowered by the last 6 years? Not.

    What the hell is there to be happy about?

  7. “johnny: Thinking that human research and reason is the ultimate answer for everytihng is just the most complacent and lazy viewpoint you could possibly take.”

    do you realize how completely insane you sound? keep supporting bush you jackass.

  8. oh and “prophet”, if you’re trying to convince anybody but the most hardcore bible thumpers out there of your views, you may not want to start every sentence with “but the bible says…”

    secondly, you are defeating your own stupid argument. you’re insisting that everything must have been “created” by a higher intelligence. if god created us, then who created god?

    stop with the silliness already.

  9. BHML, You use the term “redneck” like it’s derogitory. What’s your problem with rednecks?

    I know your problem with the English language: You don’t know the difference between you’re and your.

    And one more question, what’s a “Pod” wave?

  10. MCCFR, actually the people of the US didn’t vote for Bush either. Still using the long antiquated “Electoral College” (enacted to compensate for the long distances traveled by horseback), although the popular DEMOCRATIC total voted for Gore in 2000, Bush won. To make matters worse, the defining electoral votes were determined by HIS BROTHER, Jeb Bush, the governor of Florida.


    Bush has spent more time “on vacation” than any other President. He spends this time with Daddy, so Dad doesn’t have to make those daily phone calls to the White House to tell junior what to do.

    ..and “Get your lies” was wrong. Bush was not responsible for thousands of Iraqi deaths. There were HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of deaths… almost as many as Sadam caused there.

    …and Bush STILL has no “end game” planned. This can go on forever… much to the joy of VP Cheney and his Halliburton friends, not to mention Bush’s friendship with the Bin Laden family.

    There are FAR TOO MANY bed-buddies connecting the White House to this huge mess and NO ONE is looking into it. But, I guess it is not as much of a national security issue as an Oval Office blow job. You can kill hundreds of thousands of innocent people, thousands of your own young military men and women, fscking the whole world… just don’t fsck the secretary.

  11. God, as the Creator, is not bound by the natural laws he implemented in His creation. The universe we live in is restricted by time. There is a linear progression of events. That is how God designed the universe.

    However, He is not subject to the law he created because He is ouside of it. He has no beginning and no end. He does not exist in time where things happen before and after. He IS.

  12. Maybe ‘W’ can tell me where I realy come from????? He seems to know everything else!

    ‘Intelligent design’ spare me please! it takes us back before the renaissance with its ideology.

    Come on AMERICA, where are you heading, and taking the rest of the free thinking world? We are sceptical? Going down the road of Intelligent design and trying to maintaining a grip on the ‘free world’s thinking’ is not going to work!

    Faced with the current radical religious world, what are we doing, trying to join them! I work and live in Afghanisatan and feel wha t these people want ot be, and it has nothing to do with In telligent design, thay want somewhere to live and be safe!!!!!!!

    Intelligent design puts us just exactly where the ‘GOD’ jumble of religions and raceism exists today! ‘Nowhere’ An excuse to Kill in the name of GOD.

    We as a rational, intelligent society have already lifted ourselves above all this through science and technology over the last 500 years since the renaissance, why go through the same crap we have already been through for the past few hundred years?

    God exists for most of us, but not the way any on the present incumbants purport.

    Don’t join them, lets begin a new age of discovery and just be ourselves and spread love between all races and RELIGIONS.

    There’s a challenge to the poeple we put in place to lead us?

    No comment, I bet, because it is all too hard.

  13. umm prophet,
    i’d hate to break it to you, but you exist in linear time also. therefore, you have no way of knowing any of that. living your life according to things you make up to justify god’s existence is just kinda sad.

    and don’t you think burning in hell for eternity is a bit harsh? if god made us as flawed creatures, why punish us for that very same thing..and for so long? and you know, the bible never went into detail on what hell actually is. you’re alittle too wrapped up in movies I think. its too bad you were brainwashed at such a young age.

  14. Intelligent Design isn’t a scientific theory. In order to be scientific, a theory has to be falsifiable; i.e. a hypothetical experiment could demonstrate that the theory is or isn’t true. “A magical being created us,” can never be disproved or proved.

  15. Prophet:

    Actually, stars, planetary accretion and the non-breathing universe is explained by physics and chemistry. This stuff can be mainly modelled using mathematics, not the entrails of a chicken. And the stuff that doesn’t conform to a model invariably does so because its being acted on by external forces that are obeying their own model.

    The living stuff is biology: it happens because some planets – dependent on their size, position relative to their star, presence of a “local” giant asteroid-killer planet, etc – appear to develop a supporting infrastructure and then chemistry combined with energy collide to create the “spark of life”. This doesn’t happen because of Intelligent Design – it happens because of random chance, and it’s been happening for billions of years and it will carry on happening elsewhere in the Universe long after the Earth has been turned into a dessicated marble spinning around our exhausted Sun.

  16. I believe the Bible is true, so I can learn from the Bible about God. I’m not limited to what man “thinks” because the Bible is inspired. The Bible tells me that God is the Creator and has always been and always will be.

    If you steal a car and get caught, you’ll be punished according to the law. God is just and will punish lawbreakers. He made the law and the sentence. I’m just the messenger. In Isaiah 64, God tells us what our righteous deeds look like to Him: filthy garments. A more modern translation might be “used maxipads”. If that’s what our righteous deeds look like, how disgusting must our sin be to Him? He is perfect in holiness and demands a perfect keeping of his law.

    The argument you are making is the exact same argument Paul talks about in Romans 9. The bottom line is, you have no hope without God’s grace.

    As far as hell is concerned, the Bible is clear enough. Fire and torment for eternity. Details:

  17. Science —

    You can believe that if you want to, but you can’t prove it, and it doesn’t change the truth. Natural random processes will never advance continually in greater and greater complexity or result in systems designed for specific purposes.

    You can’t put a bunch of elements into a burning couldron, wait a few million or billion years, and end up with a Porshe. In exactly the same way, you can’t put a bunch of chemicals into a pot, wait a few million or billion years, and end up with a human being.

    Not possible. Completely illogical.

  18. please, no more used maxipad/sin analogies.

    “Science” has got it right. We should live on what we can see and prove.

    You’re basically telling us to believe in talking snakes, undead jewish carpenters, parting a sea, walking on water, and an invisible god monster in the sky.

    It’s incredible so many so readily believe that crap. If god wants us to believe in “him”, lets fucking see some magic happen already. Enough of the FAITH bullshit. What a cop-out.

    I personally wish I was around for another 2000 yrs when scientology is treated with the same reverence as christianity.

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