President Bush’s weekly radio address podcasts available via Apple’s iTunes Music Store

“President Bush’s radio addresses [are now] offered via podcast… Here’s what White House spokesman David Almacy told me: Selected Bush speeches, along with the radio addresses, are available now at the iTunes Web site. A team of about a dozen Web staffers are converting these and selected speeches into MP3 files and making them available too,” Robert MacMillan reports for The Washington Post.

“Not only that, the White House has created RSS feeds for the radio addresses in English and Spanish. That means that anyone who wants to can sign up to receive the information through their RSS readers along with news and other Web site updates that offer this service,” MacMillan reports. “‘As technology advances, the White House recognizes the importance of providing content in new ways to reach new audiences to communicate the president’s vision,’ Almacy said. Regardless of the current brouhaha over what that vision is, it might be possible to classify the Bush White House as jumping ahead of the curve on technology.”

Full article here.

U.S. President George W. Bush’s Weekly Radio Address to the Nation:

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  1. Can’t wait to here the Chief Executive arguing the case for Intelligent Design against evolution.

    Maybe Iraqi agents put the fossils in the ground?

    Of course, if Intelligent Design and creationism were a valid concept, he and his family wouldn’t have been able to make money from oil which is derived from decomposed carbons that are hundreds of millions of years old, as opposed to creationism which argues that the world is several thousand years old.

    But let’s not let logic get in the way of pandering to the religious right.

  2. Here iTunes and Podcasting are gaining the backing of the White House and all the mac fans can do is flame the president…

    This basically shuts the Microsoft “blogcast” out of the water, establishes iTunes as “the” medium for obtaining podcasts…

    Does no one see the significance in this?

  3. Science, your cute little arguments add no value to a discussion b/w ID and Evolution. Of course, that’s to be expected, b/c Evolution is currently as much a belief system as ID. Start really digging through the science, and you’ll see the support for Evolution as a theory is much weaker than the support for almost any other commonly-held theory. That’s not a surprise, this is a process that, if true, will take us a long time to understand, b/c it takes a long time to happen. But what is surprising is the ferocity with which people defend something that they know so little about And yes, it happens on both sides of the argument. Didn’t your mom ever tell you two wrongs don’t make a right? Just b/c some Creationists are blatantly unreasonable, or just unknowledgeable about the scientist, doesn’t mean that many Evolutionists aren’t just as bad.
    MW: when, as in “when will these foolish people learn?!”

  4. What’s he talking about? The success in Iraq? Not. The Success in the War on Terror? Not. Karl Rove? Not. Global Warming? Not. Gas Prices? Not. Countries like Iran, N. Korea, and Venezuala that lost all respect for us, and have been empowered by the last 6 years? Not.

    What the hell is there to be happy about?

  5. MW: value, as in Yes, this adds value to our nation

    your friggin crazy

    there are no values in this nation unless it comes with a price tag

    as far as bush’s podcast, count me out

    nothing i hate more than a moron with a microphone and a jesus complex…
    with that smug “hey man it’s cool” redneck idiot attitude

    he should stick to killing troops not “pod”waves

  6. step,

    there’s far more evidence, REAL evidence supporting the case for evolution. Not to mention its just common sense.

    Thinking god is the ultimate answer for everytihng is just the most complacent and lazy viewpoint you could possibly take.

    Stop with the condescending politically correct bullshit.

  7. Also be sure to check out the podcasts from families of the brave soldiers who keep dying for Halliburton, oil companies, and Bush/Cheney’s wealthy backers.

    If you’re reading this, then at least Bush’s lies didn’t KILL you. Thousands of Iraqi civilians and brave coalition troops are not so lucky.

    But hey, at least we stopped the WMDs… er…. I mean we brought order to Iraq… er…. I mean we stopped Iraq from recruiting for Al Qaeda….

    Oh, wait… Bush’s actions have been the best thing that ever happened to Al Qaeda recruiting. Nothing like killing civilians to win support!

    Oh well, at least he’s done some good on the home front, eroding the civil liberties our nation stands for better than any external enemy could ever do.

    To the rest of the world… don’t blame Americans, most of us didn’t vote for Bush ” width=”19″ height=”19″ alt=”smile” style=”border:0;” /> Funny how Democratic-leaning cities in Ohio didn’t get enough voting machines, isn’t it?

  8. Funny how the Bush-haters think they’re smarter if they don’t consider the President’s arguments. Bet they view themselves as rational/open-minded too! Ha!
    BTW, the ignoramuses (on both sides) discussing Intelligent Design clearly don’t have the slightest idea what they’re talking about. ID is NOT the same thing as Creationism. It does NOT claim that living beings have not evolved over time, NOR does it claim that the planet is only 10K old. ID is NOT at odds with documented science on specific cases of evolution. Mainly, ID raises questions about whether evolution based on random mutation is responsible for ALL aspects of living organisms, including highly complex components for which there is scant evidence of evolution. While I mostly side with the evolution side in the scientific debate, the ignorance with which most advocates of evolution have attached ID supporters is embarrassing. And, no it wouldn’t bother me much if after students in school had learned about evolution, they had to analyze ID’s technical critique (e.g., Behe’s biochemical questions).

  9. Nice PR for Podcasting at least. Don’t think I will be downloading any of these unless it is to hear the latest Bushisms.

    “[T]he best way to find these terrorists who hide in holes is to get people coming forth to describe the location of the hole, is to give clues and data.” —George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Dec. 15, 2003

    “See, free nations are peaceful nations. Free nations don’t attack each other. Free nations don’t develop weapons of mass destruction.” —George W. Bush, Milwaukee, Wis., Oct. 3, 2003

    “We actually misnamed the ‘war on terror.’ It ought to be ‘the struggle against ideological extremists who do not believe in free societies and who happen to use terror as a weapon to try to shake the conscience of the free world.”

    “The march to war hurt the economy. Laura reminded me a while ago that remember what was on the TV screens —  she calls me, ‘George W.’ — ‘George W.’ I call her, ‘First Lady.’ No, anyway — she said, we said, march to war on our TV screen.” —George W. Bush, Bay Shore, New York, Mar. 11, 2004

    “It’s important for us to explain to our nation that life is important. It’s not only life of babies, but it’s life of children living in, you know, the dark dungeons of the Internet.”—Arlington Heights, Ill., Oct. 24, 2000

    So what do think? Does MDN count as one of the “dark dungeons of the Internet”?

  10. Here’s my two cents:

    President Bush has failed to live up to many of the promises that he made to his conservative base in the 2004 campaign – the Constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage is just one example. I haven’t supported Bush since 2002 (it took me awhile to see through his RDF), but if I were a member of his “base”, I’d be very mad at him right now.

    Podcasting is great, because it gives listeners like us more control over information. It also allows us to not listen to people that annoy us. I for one won’t be listening to the Bush podcasts.

    Creationism, Evolution, and Intelligent Design… at the end of the day, none of us knows for an absolute certainty which of these THEORIES is correct, if any. Yes, Creationism and ID are theories too. All of them require a leap of faith in one direction or another. If a tree falls down in the woods, and there are no people within earshot, does it still make a sound?


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